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I'm just gearing up to replace my brake lines.

Bought some 3/16 Kunifer pipe and a load of 10x1 unions in preparation. I’ve got a bag of male, female, and joiners in both directions.

The hugely expensive Goidridge flexi kit is here too.

Also snagged a rather nice Sykes Pickavent pipe bender used off the bay for a good price.

My question is what flaring tool do I need? SAE or DIN? Bubble, single flare, double flare, what the hell is used where and why?
My question is what flaring tool do I need? SAE or DIN? Bubble, single flare, double flare, what the hell is used where and why?

You'd need to check each individual flare for single and double identification. From memory LR used DIN flares, but again you can confirm this by locking at the pipe you've removed.
I suppose it doesn’t matter, so long you you’re using the correct unions with the flare you make!

The most important bit is the pipe to the Goodridge flexis kit. I don’t suppose anyone knows what that might be?
Hi Brian,

Thanks for the offer. I do have an SAE double flare one yes, but not the DIN bubble flare type, and I don’t know which one I’ll need to connect up to my new flexi hoses…..

When it’s all arrived I’ll have a look at what’s what, and might be in touch….!
I'll try and take some photos. As far as I'm aware I've got the origianl LR installation from the factory...

There was an extensive post on this very subject on the Freelander forum.
You could look over there for ideas. ;)
Hi Brian,

Thanks for the offer. I do have an SAE double flare one yes, but not the DIN bubble flare type, and I don’t know which one I’ll need to connect up to my new flexi hoses…..

When it’s all arrived I’ll have a look at what’s what, and might be in touch….!

Your rear flexis pipe work will be ok as that is already sorted, if you need the tool you will have to be quick as i am of to Scotland Wednesday morning although my son will be at home so could leave it out with him.
This is the type of flare on a p38, my tool is sae but works ok it depends on the new fittings.
I've just been up to have a look, and all the fittings use the DIN Bubble flare type, not the SAE 45 degree type..... so I've bought the wrong tool!
Cheers for the offer Brian, but I think I'm just going to buy a DIN one, and then I've got one of each for the future if I ever need it.
There's an interesting page on flare types here.... if you can be bothered!
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I can confirm it worked on mine. No leaks! My tool's SAE too.

Enjoy Scotland. Love the west-coast. Not so fond of the midges!

I have never been up there so looking forward to it, we will be meeting up with my son at the knockhill round of the BTCC and out and about in Edinburgh.

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