
AntiSeptic Sandal Wearer
It's official - the first outing of the S*L*A*P*P*E*R*S, The Southwest LAndyzone Posse of Pastymunchers, is looking likely!

I have scouted around the site at Baldhu near Truro and it looks reasonably good (not driven it yet but there's lots of youtube vids) and i now have a contact from the Hilux forum (who clearly needs showing a thing or 2 about how to go off road) who has said he would be keen to "show us round"

The site looks to be relatively easy but with the odd boggy bit and a couple of ponds. I am proposing the first official outing of the S*L*A*P*P*E*R*S to be on Saturday 8 March and would suggest that we meet up at Chiverton Cross services at say 11. If this looks like a goer, i will call the site to confirm and my contact at the hilux forum to see if he (and some other hiluxxy people) can make it and we might be on for a fun day out! Someone said the pay and play is a tenner a car but i will have to confirm this when i speak to the owner. Trewy, (hopefully) we'll need yer winch!!!:D :D

Incidentally there are lots of green lanes around the Baldhu and Chasewater areas so we may get a chance to potter up a few of them while we're at it - i had a quick go on a couple of the shorter ones when i was down there the other day and they int too bad:D

If any of you lot are up for this, pop a post below and watch this space!

All the best
might be up for that. i have to pop down that way for a tablet PC and mantec load shelves :D best nice to catch up wit the old mucka tre over a cuppa too ;) as he slates me for not calling in :(
might be up for that. i have to pop down that way for a tablet PC and mantec load shelves :D best nice to catch up wit the old mucka tre over a cuppa too ;) as he slates me for not calling in :(
is yer deepender back in action then Gareth?
might be up for that. i have to pop down that way for a tablet PC and mantec load shelves :D best nice to catch up wit the old mucka tre over a cuppa too ;) as he slates me for not calling in :(

If yer does go yer can give me jack ter HB (if she ain't using the train) and she can brung it to the shindig.
is yer deepender back in action then Gareth?

owww yer :D been back up for 3-4weeks now. preping it for the 10day Wales overland adventure over the bank hols :)

then im stripping the winch and wheel carrier off it and sellin the fooker to buy a 300tdi :D
oh yes i have - but not since my gran died. they lived near Plymouth dockyards. She could make summat out of this world - none of this Ginsters crap.:D
Best pasty shop in Cornwall used to be just up the road from you Trewy in Liskeard, i think it was where LisKards is now (or thereabouts) - when i were little we always used to stop there on the way to Lansallos beach, it were a right treat! Think the best one now is Pearns at Par?

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