Hi all. Anyone had good experience with Land Rover mechanic down here in Cornwall? What needs doing is beyond my comfort level, so looking for someone who knows (Series) Landies.
Hi all. Anyone had good experience with Land Rover mechanic down here in Cornwall? What needs doing is beyond my comfort level, so looking for someone who knows (Series) Landies.
No personal experience, but people I know say that Steve Toyer at Penryn is pretty good.
Depending on what it is you can get help in unsual places. For my Perkins and the DPA pump I have found expertise in local boat yards and argicutural engineers but prices can vary a lot. Our local fabicators turns out to be a Series fan and very reasonble prices for welding, well below what a garage would charge and a fraction of what a "restorers" would.
Depending on what it is you can get help in unsual places. For my Perkins and the DPA pump I have found expertise in local boat yards and argicutural engineers but prices can vary a lot. Our local fabicators turns out to be a Series fan and very reasonble prices for welding, well below what a garage would charge and a fraction of what a "restorers" would.
Yes, all good hints, that was why I was asking for any recommendations, because those sort of people tend to be word of mouth ;)
Thanks. Yeah, I've heard that too, and if I can't find a one man and his dog type specialist,then I'll give them a call.
There is a one man land rover specialist at st day,i dont know the address but he is a nice chap, if you drive randomly about the area for 5 mins you will see him,roadside old shed with land rover garage written on it,
There is a one man land rover specialist at st day,i dont know the address but he is a nice chap, if you drive randomly about the area for 5 mins you will see him,roadside old shed with land rover garage written on it,
That's brilliant; ta. Just the local knowledge I was hoping for :). Thanks again.
There is a one man land rover specialist at st day,i dont know the address but he is a nice chap, if you drive randomly about the area for 5 mins you will see him,roadside old shed with land rover garage written on it,
His name is Richards, can't remember the first name at the moment. As you say, shed at the roadside, if you turn left off the Redruth Falmouth Road in St Day and go down towards Carnon Downs.
His name is Richards, can't remember the first name at the moment. As you say, shed at the roadside, if you turn left off the Redruth Falmouth Road in St Day and go down towards Carnon Downs.
Or towards the scrapyards!,
Toyer at kernick,penryn is expensive,
I had my coil pack up and he did offer to bring a new one over free of charge "if i was stuck",10 miles each way so good service,i have my m/bike so collected but it was a nice offer,
Andy landy carharrick.01209 821859. 10am- 12.30. then after lunch which is random. He's old and daft. His workshop is a danger zone and general tip ... Cheap and honest.
Andy. Should have remembered that. But I do remember that he is getting on a bit, and not that keen to work on vehicles if he can help it now.
Prefers selling them, and selling parts. Quite good deals too, that is where my mate bought his Minerva.
Toyer at kernick,penryn is expensive,
I had my coil pack up and he did offer to bring a new one over free of charge "if i was stuck",10 miles each way so good service,i have my m/bike so collected but it was a nice offer,
Never used him, but I know people that have, and they say he does a good job, although not cheap. The plus side is that he does the job reasonably quickly, unlike some of the other local garages, who take it apart and keep it in the workshop for ages waiting for parts.

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