
Well-Known Member
Hi. I topped up the coolant an my 2.25 % bearing petrol engine today, and noticed that as I was filling the radiator, all of the coolant was pouring out of the manifold side of the engine block. Am i right in assuming that this is probably due to 1 or more burst core plugs? I have searched the forum, but found nothing relevant to this engine. If it is, I have a few questions I hope someone can hep me with.

1. Where are the core plugs located?
2. How do I remove them, and do I have to dismantle most of the engine?
3. Where can I find replacements, and how do I fit them?
Hi. I topped up the coolant an my 2.25 % bearing petrol engine today, and noticed that as I was filling the radiator, all of the coolant was pouring out of the manifold side of the engine block. Am i right in assuming that this is probably due to 1 or more burst core plugs? I have searched the forum, but found nothing relevant to this engine. If it is, I have a few questions I hope someone can hep me with.

1. Where are the core plugs located?
2. How do I remove them, and do I have to dismantle most of the engine?
3. Where can I find replacements, and how do I fit them?

Not sure but if I remember there are 2 each side and 1 on the back of the block, dont know how accessable they are but the easiest way to remove them is to carefully drill a hole in the centre large enough to take a small bar or sturdy screwdriver and lever them out.
Carefully clean up the faces of the hole.
When putting the new ones in I put a bead of lock n seal or similar around the edge.......find a socket that is a nice fit on the inside of the plug and tap it in making sure it is going in square, until the flange of the plug is level with the block.......dont knock it in too far.
Most LR stealers and motor factors will have plugs but try and avoid ****part ones as the last I had off them had no taper on the flange and was about as useful as an inflateable dartboard.

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