
New Member

I'm really hoping someone can help me!!!

Just got new Disco (well 1993!) to replace my ageing shed aka RRC. Whilst treating rear floor rust and generally tidying her up I noticed she was losing some coolant so I topped it up.

After a drive I pulled up and noticed drips of water on my drive behind me. On closer inspection with a mirror and torch I noticed coolant leaking quite badly from the block between the upper and lower bolts of the off side engine mounting. To me it looks like some kind of steel plug that has rusted away.

Is this a 'core plug' and how do I go about removing it and replacing it with a non leaking one. Will I have to remove the engine mounting, or has anyone done it without??

Desperately seeking help....


if it is a core plug they are quite simple to remove and repair.
as to making it a non leaking one, well it is made from steel and its in contact with water, so it will fail again some time in the furture.
Thanks Ormus,

Have you any suggestions on how to remove it ( I reckon I can get access to knock a screwdriver through it and try and lever it out) but I assume you have to put a new one in by giving it a good 'tap' with the universal tool (hammer) but access is severly restriced....
aye thats right. just prise the old one out anyway you can. and just bash the new one in until it stops leaking!
yes you may have to remove the engine mounting to get at it, by the sounds of it.
maybe poss to use various shaped tools/bars etc to tap the plug in?
Cheers, I'll give it a go this weekend methinks, and see how I get on! Hopefully it'll last the week with the daily water top ups!
you can also maybe try using the lever method of forcing the plug in.
a long lever and some wedges can be a very powerful force.

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