
New Member
First of all, I don't know anything about cars, I'm a complete nOOb as far as this kind of thing goes so was really looking for some advice.

I've got a trusty old 2000 Freelander (Petrol), a couple of weeks ago I pulled off the motorway to a lot of steam, so pulled into the side of the road and noticed that one of the hoses had split in the engine "bit".
I called the AA out, who taped it up with some tape that would "fuse" with the original hose and seal it up as a temporary fix. This worked for a few days, then I noticed that water was leaking out through the taped up area, so I taped it up some more with Duck tape :


Payday came so I put the car in the garage to get fixed, it took over a week to get the replacement hose and get it fitted, cost £150.
Now forward to yesterday, the exact same hose has split again, in a different place (but funnily enough in the exact same bit of road coming off the motorway) ... this time it's split near the top of the hose, where there is a wee screw thing to "bleed" the hose (I think that's what it is).

I've kinda lost all faith in the garage 'cause they never call me to give me an update and Im not sure it should have taken over a week to fix last time so I'm just wondering if anyone has any ideas of what might be the cause of this hose repeatedly splitting?
I drive around 20 miles per day, most of which is on the motorway ... I wonder if I'm pushing it too hard?, should I maybe slow down a bit? (it's a 2000 Freelander, I think the most I've ever had out of it is about 80mph, downhill ... and even then it was "roaring" a bit too much).
I've never had any warning lights or anything, just at a bit of a loss if this could be a more serious issue?
these pipes have a tendancy to get hit or caught by the steering rack if they aren;t clipped up properly.
when I replaced these; I ended up tie wrapping them as close to the engine as possible, and as far away from the steering rack as they would go.
on the opposite end of the tie wrapping scale (if I can call it that)
Make sure; if they are tie wrapped away from the rack, but you can give them a good wiggle.
if an engine mount wears or goes completely duff. the engine will pull the pipe too tight and cause damage to it somewhere.
have someone sit in the car; engage 1st gear and apply the brakes - lift the clutch slowly and see if the engine moves a drastic looking amount..
then look at the pipe work area while doing the same... if the hoses pull tight; you will need to look at the engine mounts (while having the pipe changed again)

i have been bitten once; never again with a duff engine mounting
They DID actually sell you a new hose didn't they??? or did they say that they couldn't source one and took one off a scrap car???
plenty on many of the Landy spares site and one Fleabay too.
Just dropped it off at the garage again, It's actually a different hose that's split this time, but it clips onto the hose that split last time. Before it was the hose with the Y junction in it, this time it's just a standard hose.

Spoke to the guy about it, as this is the third hose that's split over a course of a year (3 different hoses) and he said there might a problem with the pressure, so he's gonna look at that. Hopefully gets fixed today as I'm actually moving house tomorrow :/
Sorry, thought I'd updated this ... after about a week in the garage they came back and said the Head Gasket had gone and it'd be about £800 to replace ... so bye bye Freelander :(

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