
Active Member
So I'm going to drain and refill the coolant this weekend (should have done it months ago!!) and reading RAVE it says "Flush the system with water under low pressure. Do not use water under high pressure as it could damage the radiator".

Now on previous cars I've owned I usually drain the system, refill with water, run it up to temperature, let it cool down, drain again and then fill it up with water & anti freeze.

However, the way it's worded in RAVE doesn't sound like that.

So when they say flush with water under low pressure what exactly are they talking about please?

At a guess I'd say they mean something like putting a garden hose in the header tank, sealing with a rag and turning it on with the return hose disconnected.
Probably the wrong place to put it, the wrong type of hose and wrong way to seal it but the idea is about right. :p
Just drain, refill with water, run till hot, drain when cool, and refill with the correct strength of OAT coolant in water, job done. ;)

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