
Active Member
Hi all I haven't been on here for ages but I'm now considering buying a 90, my preference would be a 200 tdi. I've already got a 200tdi Discovery off roader (which I'm sorry to say hasn't been used in over a year) and td5 auto second car, I like the simplicity of the 200tdi, anyone know of any good ones for sale, I'm not after a major project, based in Essex
A 90 is too small to do anything with it is about the saem size ad a golf! Much better to get a 110.

2/3ootdi is the correct choice of engine, very reliable and go on forever. Don't be put off by high mileage as long as the usual rusty spots are fine, my 200tdi has 400k on the clock.
Good cars, bloody cold in the winter!
Not cold, just the wrong clothing

Limited experience that I have it comes down to what your use is. If like me you just want something to have fun in then a 90 suits. However you may want to tow, carry more stuff/people etc so a 110 gets more of that done although they are long.

Happy hunting.
Not cold, just the wrong clothing

Limited experience that I have it comes down to what your use is. If like me you just want something to have fun in then a 90 suits. However you may want to tow, carry more stuff/people etc so a 110 gets more of that done although they are long.

Happy hunting.

Nah just crap heaters, everyday car for 4 years, ice on inside of screen/side windows that will not clear/no main heater vents, none of which makes winter driving a pre tdci defender fun.
Kept it as back up, and still have it 8 years later.
Or more likely poorly maintained & set up heaters, or howling gales through badly adjusted door gaps.

I daily drove my 200Tdi 90 for 12 years and in the hundreds of thousands of miles I did I never had a problem with being cold.
^^ I am the as as the above. Last 12 years and nearly 300k miles in my 200tdi and only Time I had an issue with the heater is just after I fitted the engine which on further investigation was because someone had removed the thermostat!

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