Victor Charlie

New Member

Is there a special tool for removing the pins from a (what looks like standard) electrical connector? I was a bit rough with a tight wiring loom and managed to snap a wire right at the top of the connector:mad:.


Terminals are just generaly held in with a small plastic peg/lug that rests against the connector side.

Normaly you can get a pin or simlar to move the peg out of the way and it will let the connector slide out.

But there are that many types thismay not be the case for you.

What connector is it ?
I recently fitted the 'auxillary wiring loom' to my Disco for front spots (proper LR ones) and it required a plug to be removed behind the binicle, the nice little picture in the instructions suggested you simply 'pulled it off'

Ha Ha . . . an hour later, bashed knuckles, every small pointy tool I could find and the plug was still firmly in place . . .

As the plug was being thrown away, I resorted to a junior hack saw blade and 15 mins of delicate sawing to split the bugger in half !!!

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