Mk Mudpie

New Member
Please pray tell what is the point of a forum , is for idle chit chat of tom foolery , or is it may be to seek advice or seek the the service of others in the land rover no , to exchange the knowledge of your own meanderings or put forward the services of a more knowledgeable being , or to exchange tales of woe around the world an boast your exploits , alas these are all wrong , its to slag of those of us that thought the afore mentioned was true , Land rover community ? help your own i thought , get a yellow pages was the best advice your precious land rover community could come up with , so the world is wide an full of culture of a differant sort , racisism is not only the differance of black an white its who has a yellow pages an who does'nt , im not racist any more , edjumafied i became an stole next doors yellow pages so now i can be just like the ignorant masses, Happy holidays an many thanx , aaahhh praise the yellow pages full of poor nobodys waging there own private war .:eek: :rolleyes: :blabla:
bollocks - ya saddo - yu got all the help ya needed - and ignored it - fook off and spend ya money getting ripped orf..
jesus fookin christ :mad: fookin ****a :(

Its taken you 49 posts to realise you dont like it here :rolleyes: :(
Theres no helping folks that cant help using the search button was above his mental capacity too
oh gawd,not another disillusioned person who thinks we are on here just to help him,grow a pair you nob.:p:croc:
Clicking on a link in the thread telling him what to look for was above his mental thick can you get
Oh I appoligise.....dint realise you were from Milton wonder
Yellow pages seems to be your limit, sat on a computer, can`t use a search button or spell google:doh:

Close the door behind you :)
If someone had gone round and fixed it for him we would not have lost a budding member. Shame on us all.
PS... a mobile auto electrician is normally cheaper :D and DynoRod can remove yellow pages wedged up ones chuff :)
Are you the talking from experience?:D:D:D
Yes :) when I first joined I took it up the chuff, but I deserved it and its been well worth it. It's saved me many £100s and I know you all really care :doh: ....... chuff?... use the fookin search button:p
mudpie stop being a ****er.And if ya read through my previous posts all the thousands of em, you'll see **** ALL COS I NEVER HAD A BATTERY DRAIN ON ME CLASSIC.However i dont thibnk this is a rf issue cos ya got the key.Jais probbably right about the corrosion.But cos ya a dick and ya cant search, use google or the yellow pages, i hope ya car catches fire.Cheerio...

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