
Active Member
Hi there!

Iv just swapped my Wire winch cable for a Synthetic Rope

I have a 12000lb Winchmax and iv just put a 10mm 28m 12000lb Winch rope on it. Below is the link to the one iv bought!

Synthetic Winch Rope 12000 lbs (5440 Kg) Hawse & Hook on eBay (end time 21-Oct-09 16:58:13 BST)

My question is how strong are they!

Compared to my old wire rope it doesnt feel as strong but thats proberly because iv never used one before!

What are your views to those of you who have experience with both?:)
They are just as strong. Bear in mind that you will need to run a smooth letterbox type fairlead (non-roller) with synthetic/plasma rope.

Doh, should have read ebay link got a fairlead with it! :)
hi i have used the dyneema winch ropes loads with the military, compared to the wire loaded winchs we used they were awesome easy to handle and safer too apparently they could be fully loaded and then cut and the two ends would just drop compared to the wire where everyone took cover on the offchance they would turn into garrottes!! they managed winching vehicles up sand dumes loaded witht he usual military gumph and managed this no probs
Thanks guys! Im looking forward to giving it a good running in at Parkwood P&P day this sunday!

Its always great to get some knowlege on the subject from the people in the know :D


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