
De Villes Advocaat
I love series land rovers. In particular twooz. So when the opportunity of a project 2a loomed over a murky horizon I tentatively dipped a toe............. no I didn’t. I did what every bloke would and got all giddy, left mi brain at home and went to just have a look with the cash in my back pocket and a head full of dreams.

Just coming off the back of a nasty redundancy and a year out of work things had become tight but being a confirmed miser I spent my last wedge on a heap of 49 year old barely running scrap iron in the full knowledge that it wouldn’t cost much to get on the road and even less to maintain :rolleyes:. I’ve had the flash cars, I’ve cruised the strip in spanking new German engineering but something I found 30 years ago never left me and I had come home happy as a sand boy with my little truck. :D

Still with my rose tinted welding goggles in full glare I spent the next few weeks readying my daily for his, yes its definitely a he, his MOT. Brakes sorted, wiring sorted, the odd bargain off the web and hey presto he passed with flying colours along with a chuckle at the advisory of an oil leak. I suppose all the oil leaks could be construed as one by the time they hit the tarmac and create a single puddle, even if it is six foot by ten.

By this time I had managed to spend just short of a thousand pounds. Not necessarily on parts but on things I needed. Everyone needs a new compressor. Oh and a welder even if it is only second hand bargain. I could have spent a lot more but tightness prevailed and now my new career was in full swing time became short, summer was coming to an end and overtime beckoned.

So now the renovation and customization work can begin. Its going to be a long road. I get precious little time but what I have will be squosed onto my new hobby.

Now I am one for tradition. I like nothing more than a 100% totally original concourse condition 2a. Alas I fear this one is about 30 years too late and ten grand short of such a dream so I am setting out my stall to create what looks vaguely like an original in passing, all being at 40mph, but with the creature comforts of a modern van. Over the years a whole lot of it has been messed with. At some point a past owner has tried to modernize it into a series 3 look alike and a few of the parts are definitely military. Luckily the engine seems to be a good one and the running gear maintainable so while I turn him back into a 2a on the outside I have lots of plans for the inside.

I wont skimp on quality but most thing will be made by myself. As an ex woodbutcher crafting upgrades for the interior shouldn’t be a problem, even now I am waiting for glue to dry on an overhead console I am fashioning, so if only to get on the nerves of the rivet counters I'll try and get some pictures up now and then and let you all in on my little money saving secrets. I wont be repeating all the other threads on how I welded this and that or replaced stock items. Although invaluable, especially to me, Ill spare you my botching and concentrate on attempted upgrades for your incomparable ridicule.

All this will be attempted whilst still on the road and without the aid of a safety net. Do not try to emulate any of what you are about to see at home as mutilation is guaranteed.

Sounds like a nice rolling project now.....just how mine started.....and £10k later....

Get some photo's up. Would love to see more (and mods)
OK a few weeks ago whilst waiting for my box of yoga mats from china I found a small sheet of 6mm ply in the shed and set to lining round the rear windows for no other reason than it was just big enough to do both.
Its a bit strange but the whole interior seems to be hinging around the door seals. I cant fit them and finish them without the exterior being painted so whilst working on the exterior bodywork and prepping for paint the inside is having to be worked around areas not affected by the seals and the ingress of water.

First step was to raid the kitchen drawers for some very none sticky sticky tape and an old cardboard box to make a template. You know the score; cut out strips, ease them into each corner of the panel and tape them up resulting in a template for the finished size.


Next Jobbie is to cut out the ply and check the fit. You cant see in the photos but I had cut small strips of ply and used impact adhesive to set the depth where the panel would sit. its only an inch away from the bodywork and glass but enough to get some good insulation in and avoid bolt heads.

Next job is to cut out some tracing paper the same size as the panel and fit that over the window to gauge glass size.


Transfer the shape onto the lump of wood


Cut out t'thole and fix a length of neoprene seal.


After getting down with the high temp impact adhesive and a sample of the impending yoga mat. In this one you can make out the strips of ply holding the panel away from the bodywork.


Then simply fit the ply. It will be routed with a round edge before the Bavarian virgin kid leather is stretched over to finish.

This week I have been gluing foam everywhere also been toying with an overhead console and radiogram compartment. The idea is to have lots of buttons up there to operate all mi new toys. Just a work in progress to get ideas for electronics etc. Deffo need a clock so I can see how late I actually am for work and am working on a diesel tacho but with all the problems with a lucas alternator, thats another story. I have found a very fine wirerless with a new fangled drop down screen. Cant find one in this country though as most motorized screens go up and thats where mi roof is. Also going to fit a bank of led meters for voltage, amps, temp, radioactivity etc.



Well it looked like this tonight..................... like I say work in progress.:eek:

can't wait to see the finished article, be nice to see a luxury interior in a series :D

Hope your not in a rush. I may be some time................... :oops:

The hard bit will be the dash. The harder bit will be keeping it on the road for a few weeks with no dash whilst the other is designed fabricated and fitted all at the same time.

dont forget my inspiration.......................


Big jiffy bag of electronicals has landed so had the soldering iron out today making up 12v regulators for my LED lighting. Wish I was a tidy solderer but along with my welding its a bit errrrrrrrrrrrrr agricultural :D
Also the scrim foam for mi ceiling. Already got the nubuck animal skin suede but I dont have a day off now until the 7th so it'll have to hang fire.


Also got my Linear bearing and rod to make up the central locking dead bolts thanks to @vilguy (smart ar5e) :D

, looks like a good idea

Thats what Hermann Goring said................:eek:

The little hidyhole down by the seats will hold the mechanism. The one that you cant fit a central locking actuator in :mad:

Early days but when I get a look at it I think the actuator will go vertical, pushing up. Ill change its direction to the horisontal and onto the 10mm rod via a 90 degree bracket. That should push the rod through the bearing and into the edge of the door. It might be too tight to get into the edge so I may need to surface mount a keep. Youll be the first to know as before the expensive things are fitted inside I want a little more security. Going to do the same for the rear door and bonnet.
Well, with a day off its time to do a bit more. The Macedonian kid elk hide arrived along with the yak so first up I've cobbled some 6mm scrim foam over the ceiling to smooth things out.
Started by measuring, cutting oversize and pinning it to the EVA yoga mat.

One side glued and one side pinned.


By pinning in place I could drop a section of it and apply the glue. Once that section is stuck back the pins can be removed from the rest then sprayed and stuck. The EVA foam was fixed using brush applied high temperature contact adhesive as it is a tad stronger than the spray stuff. The rest will be glued to this using the spray.


All finished. The gap down the middle is for the wires feeding the overhead light.


With it bouncing down today I chose to leave applying the nubuck aardvark split skin suede to another day and go inside to cover the overhead console and light panel.
So I cut up some scraps of lumber and got mi sewing machine out.




That was it for today.............
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Great post, quite inspirational to us folks, thx
To who folks? Anyone can do this with a handful of scrap. I have never done anything like this before but having met lots of upholsterers that cant hold a conversation never mind a hammer and auto electricians that................ well auto electricians :rolleyes: how hard can it be. Big learning curve but I cant see anything that cant be stolen from the internet and a bit of bloody mindedness.
Whether it looks good or not when finished is another matter. I have no plans so it will be an organic project. I guess I'm good at winging it. :D
Great thread, love seeing how others make their Landies their own .. ;)

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