
Active Member
Blew all of Saturday fitting "recon" injectors to mmy 2.5D. Complete waste of time - took it up the lane and one failed right off - knocking like the hammers of hell. Found the bad one, then noticed it was starting hard and just declared defeat on the "recon" injectors. Yanked the "recon" ones back out and put the old ones back in.

Spent Sunday fitting up new valve seals and seeting the valve lash - about 3 hours. Started and ran like it should have - not bad.

Drove it to work this morning (30 miles or so in highway and stop & go traffic) and noticed to my chagrin that it is laying down a smoke screen when tsaking off from a light. Blue smoke (unburned fuel).

I am not at all pleased.

So, what the hell is causing the smoking? It's acting like it is overfueling at idle - builds up a pile of crap then blows it all out on take-off.

Right about now a scrap heap is looking like a good place for the #$%$%##^ Rover. :(

One thing I am concerned about is that when the "recon" injector failed it set up the knocking from hell -- obviously opening WAY too soon. I ran it very little that way - just back to the garage and then diagnosing the issue.

I am wondering if I cracked a ring or some such - as befrore i did everything it wasn't smoking anywhere NEAR this badly. Now, it's embarassing to drive.

Anyone got a feel for how I can check for piston damage without stripping down the engine?

I've done a fairly thorough search on the archives for this issue - not run into anything specific to the 12J but beginning to think giving the pump timing a whack might not be a bad idea...
the only way i can think of checking if yer rings are fried without stripping the head off is to do a compression test

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