
Hi everyone, I recently bought a 2002 discovery 2. Its 150k on the clock, the chassis is solid and everything seems to be pretty good condition. What are the issues I need to look out for?
If it’s a Td5, also check for oil in the injector loom and leaking air bags if it has air suspension. Also look for leaky sunroofs (you won’t have to look for this problem, it’ll let you know it’s there... :rolleyes:o_O) check the front inner wings for signs of corrosion and the front steering hoses can corrode. Others with their experiences will be along in a bit...

Hi and welcome too, if the above hasn’t put you off!
If it’s a Td5, also check for oil in the injector loom and leaking air bags if it has air suspension. Also look for leaky sunroofs (you won’t have to look for this problem, it’ll let you know it’s there... :rolleyes:o_O) check the front inner wings for signs of corrosion and the front steering hoses can corrode. Others with their experiences will be along in a bit...

Hi and welcome too, if the above hasn’t put you off!

Thankyou, as I can see from the paperwork the injector loom and airbags have recently been replaced, so fingers crossed, it'll be OK for a bit. I'm always up for a bit of banter, I don't mind the odd sarcastic reply :cool:
My D2 is easily the most unreliable car ive ever had. In 6000 miles its gone wrong very often. But i only use it to go to Tesco and the school, plus i like fixing cars. Good job eh.
The list is endless of what to look for, but id look at your ACE pipes (if you have it), stop all water ingress now, treat chassis and body with dynax or similar, check ECU for oil, service it with good filters and fully synth 5w30, plus check for boost/coolant/oil leaks. Standard stuff.
Frustrating vehicles but it looks good and if it snows your Batman.
Mine is a second car and in the three years i've oned it, the throttle pedal failed.

The communication between remote and car got a bit temperamental. Even after fitting a new battery to the remote i ended up having to hold the remote next to the back window by the roof for it to work.
I fixed that by buying a new ECU. I still haven't fixed it but it seems the car just knowing i'd bought it was good enough. It now locks and unlocks from about ten yards!

The back door lock failed. Fitting a new one was relatively painless. It would have been less so if the idiot who converted it from base spec Commercial had bothered to properly tighten the nuts on the bolts holding the rear door speaker. When i came to remove it to pull away the casing to get at the lock half of the eight(?) bolts span with the nuts.

Being a 2002 model you'll not have the option of a centre differential lock. I got mine stuck in places that my old D1 just drove through. At some point i'll be swapping bits over from my D1 transfer box to install the CDL. The marshal at The Great British Land Rover Show
said just keep your foot in spinning the wheels. It won't get stuck. The man was a fool i tell you, A FOOL!

I don't know what to suggest you do to prevent the head gasket from failing. Mine has done around the 178k mark and mine went just after Christmas. Despite what you read online you CAN get the head skimmed. Mine was.

A mate had one that started flattening the battery. It turned out to be the middle and back interior light not going off when he locked it.
I’ve had my 2001 TD5 for 13 years and with daily use it’s never left me stranded. It’s needed regular repairs yes, but it’s 20 years old. It recently immobilised itself which was a nightmare and still isn’t properly fixed, but it’s still running. I look after it though. Can’t be arsed with folk who don’t look after things then complain about it when it breaks down.

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