Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


Well-Known Member
So had my 1995 300tdi Discovery 5 door with Flux for past couple of year plus many others before that.
5k mileage, various non performance mods geared towards off roading. 4 years ncb.

Got my renewal through for £200 which I thought was very reasonable really.
However I am replacing it with a 300tdi Discovery Commercial.
Apart from being a 1997 model and having a winch it's pretty much the same as my outgoing disco.

However comes to the insurance and the quote is 65% higher than my renewal quote for the same cover.

Is this something a lot of commercial owners deal with?
I'm not using it for any kind of business activity (apart from driving to and from work) so it seems a little steep to me when the only difference is a couple less windows, 2 seats and a bigger boot.

Hi Chris,

Sorry you are experiencing problems, if you wanted to PM me I'd be happy to look into this for you. Potentially you may have lost any owned vehicle discount but even so this sounds expensive considering how similar the two vehicles are.

Kind Regards

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