
Hey Y'all,

Call me Samuels, I've been a closet member for a over a year, mostly because I dreaded the long sign up process but also because I didn't feel like I could be a contributor, thus only a burden. However, I was wrong... the sign up was extremely quick (LOL).
My previous toys were a 2005 Volkswagen Passat and a 1993 Honda Accord. I have had a few other in the past 12 years, though the sole purpose of the VW and Honda were to be more advanced challenges and have learned much from them.
I decided to step my game up with a 2004 Freelander HSE (KV6, NAS) and when discussing the purchase with my fiances, her words have had a somewhat haunting echo... "I like it, but won't the parts and maintenance for something like this be really expensive, expensive, expensive, expensive"
And of course Man Mode kicked in and I assured her that I could fix anything.

it is now at the local mechanics, the good news is he can't seem to figure out what's wrong with it either (that is, good news for my pride, not my investment).

Other than my '04 Freelander, I have a 2001 Chevy SIlverado truck and a 2014 Ram truck.
Had I of known Ford had anything to do with the 2004 Freelanders, I probably woulnd't be here (LOL)

I am a Chemist/Biochemist from Texas, USA

I have noticed that European's and Indian's generally refer to American's as "Yankee's", and would like to advise you that if you call a Texan (and generally anyone south of the Mason-Dixon Line) a "Yankee" they (we) will get offended, become ****ed off and start actin' all crazy.

Yankee's are those democrat bastards up there in New York. (I say that with love, of course. :))

I look forward to our new open relationship, Landyzone.

I also want to use my introduction to thank all of those who have contributed to threads that I have been reading over the past year. If all our people were as cooperative and helpful as those on Landyzone, we'd have much better politicians and live in a much better world.

Thanks again,


p.s... I already know y'all are going to use the "getting a v6 petrol was your first mistake" joke... so save me the humiliation on my intro post... thanks
Nothing wrong with the V6 , in fact one of my favorite engines............nothing wrong with Ford either and welcome to the forum :)
The '01 Chevy Silverado is a 1500 5.3L v8 Vortec and her name is Berfa. Originally "Bertha" but my 6 year old could not articulate the "th" so it became "Berfa" same thing happened to my cat Luther... He is now Lufer, which actually suits him better because he is freakin' weird. Berfa was a hand-me-down from my fiances parents after her mom struck and killed an un-tethered horse in the fog. The state required that the owner of the horse pay the value of the truck, however the state has no standard on how much to be paid, just that is is... so the owner of the horse is sending $ 20 payments a month :( we recovered a hood from the scrap yard (and a ton of other stuff damaged in the accident) and I did a quick once over with some black paint (mismatch, however it matches the toolbox). 240,000 miles and no sign she's going to quit anytime soon.

I got the 2014 Ram 1500 V8 5.8L Hemi for 22,000 USD (and 22,000 miles) when we were out car shopping for my fiance about 7 months ago. Some how we came home with another truck instead of a car ( It was honestly because the dual exhaust came standard and it sounds extremely mean). I am going to install a 12" sub and amp this weekend. she uses it as her daily to work and I haul junk around in the Chevy. This RAM 1500 the most awesome thing I have ever owned and HIGHLY recommend AT LEAST test driving one. My next truck will be a RAM 2500/3500 maybe diesel... I had a 97' dodge ram 1500 back in 2007 and I loved it. but this 4th gen RAM has bought my loyalty.
My fiances parents just bought a 2014 Chevy silverado, and it's beautiful. It has very nice seats, beautiful dash and head-unit, very luxurious. However, I wanted a truck gosh dammit,. and it doesn't quit SCREAM POWER when I start it up and WHIP MY FRICKIN HEAD BACK when I step on the gas like the RAM does.

As far as the '04 Freelander, it was pretty awesome while it was running,.. I love being able to feel all four wheels under me and a sun roof. but so far it's just been problems. It has 105k miles. My complaints with it and FORDS is:


I also attempted to change the spark plugs (you know cause spark plugs and changing oil is like square one of any maintenance DIY) in my aunts 2005 Ford F150, and there I was removing the first spark plug and SNAP!/CRUNCH! it broke off because of it's crappy porcelain design. I had to drive to the next town to pick up the "FORD SPARK PLUG REMOVAL TOOL" for $ 100 USD (YES, THEY MADE A SPECIFIC TOOL TO REMEDY THEIR POOR DESIGN!) and perform engine surgery for a couple hours. I put my tail between my legs and told her to take it to the shop because I wouldn't funk with it anymore.

It was that day I vowed never, ever, ever-ever-ever to own a Ford.

besides my grandfather told me that it was an acronym for Found On Road Dead when I was young and now I believe him.

Thanks for the welcomes!


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Ooooh er! I like the Ram. The Silverado is pretty good too I see it take a good load. As for the frelander mmmmm. Will the V6 it's got some poke. Not so prone to rust as other models hope you get it fixed. Plenty advice in the freelancer part of the forum.

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