mine used to be green, is now blue....and is gona be orange soon! Oh no, im gona get it now for admittin that on here....
mine used to be green, is now blue....and is gona be orange soon! Oh no, im gona get it now for admittin that on here....

Yep. Orange? Haa haa ah ah hah aha haha ah aha aha ahh aha ha ahahhaha hahahaa hahh ahahah ah ha ha hahahha hah ah ahah ahah ahahahha hah ahah hahahah hahah aha aaahhah ahahah ahh a!

So it's a G4 Jaffa seedless special replica yer mekin then? ;)
mine used to be green, is now blue....and is gona be orange soon! Oh no, im gona get it now for admittin that on here....
There aint nowt wrong wiv orange. It doesn't have to look like a g4 challenge vehicle neither.:D :D :D

does it have to be landy blue or green? lol, i was originally considering orange, now i'm glad i started this topic :eek:. I think i would prefer green to blue
i do like orange but a few commercial landies are orange in my area e.g. council. little kids always say "wow dad look at that fire truck!" when they see mine a the moment, don't like that either lol
i do like orange but a few commercial landies are orange in my area e.g. council. little kids always say "wow dad look at that fire truck!" when they see mine a the moment, don't like that either lol

Every time I take my landy onto a beach the boy racers all stop their handbrake turns and fook orf. Worse still people come up to me and ask me what time high tide is? I thought coast guard were blue and yellow????????

:confused: :rolleyes: :D :D :p
Time the def was re-sprayed, Toyin with cherry red, decuma grey et the moment, it will soon be on black modulas and contimplating colour coding the roof. Been thinking about it for a couple of months and really can't decide. Any suggestions would be very helpful thanks...

Not the best pic to decide on but will try and get some more taken tomoz


I would have to say grey or green, keep the roof white, colour coding should be kept for london land rover owners.
All panels are straight apart from bonnet needs replacing, small dent pass door and small crease on pass wing top, a brighter red would be less prep work for me. If not colour coded roof then white or black? if running black wheels etc.
looks neat pos!!

a guy just up the road from me factory has wun, but a swb cabby, but his is a real bright yellow....looks damned fine

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