
New Member
Hi just after advice and new to the site so be gentle lol,

iv just bought a x plate freelander
1.8 petrol k series

i swapped it for my bmw e46 on t plate which i bought for £540

so gotta be worth it

i was driving back 50 mile were i swapped it from
whilst outside the lads house it warmed up temp sat at half way for about 20 mins heaters hot etc

but when i got onto a19 i was driving about 20 mins down motor way
the temp started jumping up next to the red then back to half way

and i mean litterly bouncing up

the guy left the old head gasket and boxes for timing belt tensioner etc etc as he said he'd just done it, you can see its brand new, i no this is iv changed around ten head gaskets on rovers mgtf's etc in the last year for freinds etc.

once i got off the motor way and just onto normal roads temp sat perfectly at half way, all the way home

got home and opened water bottle it was empty but just at the bottom took about half kettle to fill back up

when i took the bleed screw out it took about 40 seconds to get air out

bleed it off and sat with it ticking over for 20 mins temp sat at half way

went out today found a repiar job to the metal water pipe had a hole in so some one has jubile cliped the a piece of rubber water pipe over it, and i thought it must have been that but after a run out again its still doing the same, temp sits fine round doors, soon as you hit motor way temps bouncing up and down again, so i pulled off motor way and the bottom hose coming from radiator to the thermostat is cold still, should i change the thermostat?

there seems to be a lot of noise from heater matrix aswell when you go on the motorway.

id be very greatfull for a bit advice

Airlock probably, there is bleed nipple on the top heater hose and another on the metal coolant pipe under the dizzy.
done them both fella, iv done lots of headgaskets on these so had loads of practice lol, just dont understand why the botom rad hose is freezin still, im gutted mate as i love the jeep
gutted, fitted a new thermostat and still rad not gettin got, and the bottom radiator pipe not getting hot.

could it be the water pump?

thanks again lads
OH, i've gotta get a memory.Mine did the same but I changed a lot of stuff at the same time one being the water pump.
Mine was leaking under the pully, it's usual for it to do this when worn.
It wunt hurt to have a look even if it's not leaking the fins corrode off and don't pump jack.
ya need to get a life mate going round chatin rubbish on peoples pages lol, get yaself a girlfreind marro hahahaha
obviously putting compression gasses in coolant still...........temp gauge fluctuating in air pocket, ,has it got prt?
he's married lol thats worse hahahaa mustnt get no sex hahahaha

and if yous have no imput jog on you little internet gangters hahaha
freelance iv changed the prt yesterday and still the same, head gasket replaced (mls) skimed etc bled off properly, heaters red hot would it be the water pump on way out or possibly radiator blocked, rad looks wuiet new though, thanks again

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