
New Member
I have no spark at no1 :mad: but the other fed cylinder from that coil (6) is firing like a good'un :D

is this possible and does anyone out there have either a whole pack or a single or know where i can get one please?

thanks for your help

I doubt you'll get one as a pattern part. Try your local Stealership.
The old man just had the ones changed on his Jag. cost around 31 quid each
Cheers Mate

I ended up removing the pack and testing it with a digial meter, found that number 1 was at 12-13 Ohms and the rest were at 1.0. Ordered a new set from for £135 plus dreaded.

If anyone out there has a problem with a faulty coil let me know, I have three good replacements that work fine and I'm not greedy.



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