
hi could you give me some advice my spigot bush on my discovery 2 fell to pieces and smashed my release arm bearing to bits so i dropped gear box removed clutch fitted all new parts and a heavy duty release bearing put it all back together using the old clutch as it was only a year old it changes gears smoothly but soon as turbo kicks in clutch is slipping it's like it's still engaged when i release clutch do you think this is because I've put clutch in wrong or clutch was damaged as I had to start it in gear to get off a green lane it looked ok when I removed it or do you think it's a hydraulic issue any advice is much appreciated I'm at my wits end with it lol
I tryed slackening the bolts off and it did get better not as much slip cant feel much free play in the pedal it's hard from the top to the bottom
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