
New Member
Hi all another newbie to this forum, just like to share my experience with my freebie clutch. It all started a few days ago when out driving I had a strange noise from clutch pedal when on it's way up, so upon investigation I found the pedal seemed low to the floor in the normal position and it all seemed a bit flimsey as well, tried bending to realign it but ended up not being able to get any gears at all, clutch would not disengage properly so I thought one easy option was a new master cylinder but that made no diffo, so then started to think new clutch, that's gonna be expensive but got some quotes and yes it is bloody expensive. So then I wake up in the middle of the night with one of those eureka moments, what if the problem was with the top mounting of the pedal bracket, is the bracket bent so it pushed away from the mounting, this would explain all of the symptoms. So out I go the next morning spanner in hand and found the stud for the top mounting had sheared right off, the metal had just torn away, anyway after some thought I came up with the idea to drill through the bulkhead and use a stud to fix the top of the pedal, once I got it all back together the pedal was back in line with the brake pedal as it should be and clutch worked fantastically. I know this is a bit of a long thread but just wanted to pass this on in case anyone else has the same problem, worth checking before going spending shed loads of hard earnt on a new clutch.

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