
New Member
Hi all,

Interesting experience today resulting in a trip on the back of a breakdown truck for my RRC 2.5 vm turbo diesel.

I drove about 300 miles on Thursday and towards the end of the trip found it slightly sticky when shifting from third to second and second to first at junctions, etc. As if the clutch wasn't quite disengaging the drive properly. Slightly jumpy odometer too when it was being tricky. Today, I had a couple of moments with the same sticky gears then no problem for another fifty miles or so then suddenly, doing about 60 (in fifth), I lost drive in any gear. Coasted to a stop and can move the gearstick easily, with the engine running, to any position, including reverse without depressing the clutch at all but still with no drive (even when I depress clutch, engage gear then lift clutch). No noise (out of the ordinary) in neutral and a very slight whirring when the gearstick is in a gear position and the clutch isn't depressed.

I'm struggling for a diagnosis. As a layman, it feels more like the clutch than the gearbox but if anyone has an educated guess at the cause then I would be very grateful. The previous owner had a R380 box fitted.

All best,

I would say its gearbox off and check the clutch, I have come across this on other cars when they have suddenly lost drive.
or..gearbox output splines and transfer input gear shot...but i would suggest clych..but as one removes transferbox first then gearbox it will become clear if output splines as soon as transfer box is off..

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