
New Member
Hello, just bought a very neglected 1979 109 2.25 petrol. Got the engine going all fine, but now have discovered the clutch is not engaging. The piston is pumping fluid but the clutch is stuck on disingage.
Is there a way to get it to engage? Hopefully with out pulling the whole thing to bits...
sounds to me like the spring has gone. Clutches are in a constant state of engagement, with the spring clamping down hard on the friction plate, the only way to disengage them is to push down hard in the center of a diaphragm spring (I'm assuming LRs don't have multispring clutches :rolleyes: )

So unless you have something broken off and jamming the release bearing in, then I think its a noo clutch for ya.
Hey thanks for the info, It thurns out it was the clutch master cylinder that was jammed. New one bought and installed now all good!!!
Most Landrovers in OZ and NZ were flatbeds or utes as they are called locally ,rear bodies being supplied in country . :)

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