
New Member
I've recently decided to get my beloved 1992/3 200tdi 110 csw back roadworthy after it being gazumped by a new Disco for the past few years. Disco now gone (sooo unreliable!) and the trusty defender will rise again (hopefully!) for the winter. It's been kept in the garage for a few years and over the last few days I've been through it with newly charged battery, replacement fluids and oils, new diesel, glow plugs etc and (as expected from a defender) fisrt turn of the key and it fired into life beautifully ... engine running like a dream. My only issue appears to be the dreaded clutch!

When I first put my foot on the clutch it felt very stiff and then immediately released but with no pressure whatsover (and no clutch engaging). I've checked the clutch fluid and it was a bit light on volume and I've noticed a small (dried) green pool in the driver footwell. When I pump the clutch I get fluid squirting out of the tiny hole on the refill cap top of the clutch master cylinder. So I'm clearly getting some pressure there but not beyond.

My first thoughts are the the master cylinder has ceased up ... or maybe the slave or possibly both. Or is it more an issue with bleeding ... or the clutch assembly itself. As you can tell ... I probably haven't got a clue :confused:

Any help or advice would be greatly aprpeciated as I just want to ensure I tackle it in the most logical (and cost effective!) order .... and then onwards to MOT!

Cheers guys ... and have a great weekend!
If you got a green pool under there then clutch master must be shagged.
just replace and rebleed system with a bit of luck that is all. Failing that it probably leaking at the slave as well. Clutch fluid seems to normally be neglected and always dirty more so than brake system
Thanks very much rappy1 ... I think I'll probably pick up a master and slave and do both at once then. Here's hoping it's not too tricky a job!
The clutch master cylinder nice and cheap. Problem is the clutch and brake fluid can turn to jelly over time and solidify it also absorbs moisture in the air. If i was you i would give the brake system a good brake fluid flush or line bleed as well before you drive it to.
Brakes are next on my list ... will gradually work my way around ready for winter. Brakes are operating but sounds like a good plan to get everything bled and freshened. I'm going to try and do it all myself as I quite like the idea of getting a basic understanding ... so far it's worked out okay. Really appreciate the advice fella.

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