
Active Member
hi another possible stupid question can you adjust a clutch on a series 3 or do i need to replace it and how much roughly would this cost me as i think the job is beyond me
if you remove the 6 screws and top plate from pedal box master cylinder rod can be adjusted 13mm spanner with a slot cut in ring end helps as will somone pressing the pedal to ease access
Why do you think it needs adjusting? What's the problem? You can only set the pedal free play. If it's slipping it's either worn or oil contaminated, if it's not releasing it might need bleeding - if there's fluid leaking you might need to replace the master or slave cylinder.
ive bin told its slipping does that mean replacing is that a big job ive seen kits for about 60 quid but the labour is the big cost i supose
i just got told they would need to take engine out and would take all day is that true is he taking the ****
long they charge by the job not the hour ffs

i've no idea what that is interpreted as ...

200 to have the clutch changed in a Series is in my opinion a fair price at a garage with overheads (rent,rates,wages etc), it's not a five minute job even if the vehicle has just been rebuilt
Last time I did a clutch on my own it was a two day job - floor panels and seatbox out, disconnect handbrake and props, pull gearbox back, replace clutch, reassemble. Or you can take the radiator and engine out, but you'll need a hoist. £200 plus parts? - its a bargain.
i've changed at least three gearboxes and a minimum of two clutches in the three to four years i've owned landrovers (it might be five years), it never seems to get any easier, the bolts are always rusted in and/or rounded off no matter how recent you've had it all apart :eek:

i've also changed a couple of clutches for mates in thier landys, it's always been done in one day start to finish but it is a bloody long day, the last one i did was finished just after midnight and that was just a thrust bearing change so the gearbox was only mauled back just enough to swap the bearing

ALL bolts holding the landrover together need copperease when reassembling in the hope that it'll come apart easier the next time, make no mistake it WILL need to come apart again and half the bolts will have rusted again

clutches must be the worst job to have to tackle if it needs to be done quickly

i've no idea if it is easier with a removable crossmember really as i've not had to deal with one of those but i'll guess it is slightly easier although you'll most likely still have to remove the floor panels and gearbox tunnel to undo the top of the bellhousing

and no i don't volunteer to replace clutches, i get paid to do it

oh and if it's a Series 3 learn what the wading plug is for or you will be replacing the thrust bearing pretty frequently if you take it offroad or laning regularly
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Is there anything leaking out of the drain hole? Engine or gearbox oil will need new oil seals so budget that in, too. Might be worth replacing these anyway.
If it's hydraulic fluid (and the reservoir needs topping up frequently) you might get away with a new slave cylinder and letting the clutch dry out for a bit.
If you have to replace the clutch make sure you fit a complete kit 'cos you don't want to do it again in a hurry.....
i have put the word out and expecting a few qoutes this week it doesnt slip on journeys around town only on hills etc so hopeing it will last a while

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