
New Member
Hi chaps,

So, 500 miles in and there's a new noise that I don't particularly like. I first noticed it a couple of weeks ago, once, but then nothing since. It's now back with a vengeance and getting worse.

A bit of background...

Driving short distance is fine. It's only developing after driving for half an hour or so. When slowing to a stop, say at lights, and dropping into neutral or riding the clutch, I'm getting this loud clunking that appears to be transmission related. It seems to be linked to wheel revs not engine revs. When in gear and powering forward, all seems fine.

Here's a video I just took as I got home after a 40 minute drive.

I can't think of any other info that might be useful. It's a puma 90, 11 plate, 2.4, 42k on the clock.

I've not driven many other defenders other than for very short distance but have never seen similar.

Oh, the hand brake lever and drivers left seat rail get pretty darn hot to touch after an hour or so behind the wheel. Not sure if that's relevant.

I'm due to be driving across the country tomorrow evening, but am now thinking about dropping this at the garage and picking up a rental.

Any suggestions?

EDIT: Should have also said, I did try searching the forum, but either wrong search terms or I'm an idiot, but couldn't get any results.
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Starting with the simple.... Have you checked that your wheel nuts are tight?

All tight and it tracks straight and true, no pulling to either side. The only feedback I get is the sound, and jolts of deceleration, like something's snagging.

I just ran it back home cold, no more than half a mile, and nothing, not a peep.
Sounds almost as if the gear is not completely disengaged. You mentioned short distances are fine leading me to believe it is heat related so once the metal expands your problem starts.
Just replaced the gearbox mounts on mine after a similar noise. Genuine ones (britpart with G postfix from britcar only cost about £6 each) after finding that the rubber block on one side had become detached from the steel bracket. Much better now. I had bought genuine engine mounts too but having fitted the gearbox ones I've found that I don't need them so will leave them till next year or the year after when I do the galv chassis etc
Don't forget transmission slack. Mine (a 2006 TD5) used to clunk a lot until I replaced the drive flanges on the rear hubs. Especially on the overrun if you took your foot off the accelerator in a lower gear. Then there're was a big clunk as it took up drive again. Don't forget propshaft joints either. If the vehicle is parked with the handbrake on it may be difficult to feel by hand when you wobble them, but with the handbrake off it's easier to feel any slack here.
Thanks guys for the input. I'm going to err on the side of caution and pick up a cheap rental for the weekend and get this looked at. It doesn't seem to affect drivability, but boy does it sound bad. Can't help but feel like driving it in this condition may cause connected issues.

I'll report back as I find out more.
Hey guys. Quick update on this one. I took it down to the local garage and from the description, and particularly the fact that the hand brake lever was getting hot over a time, they diagnosed it as a the handbrake being out of adjustment. The juddering was only manifesting once the handbrake assembly had got hot enough that thermal expansion set in. A quick readjustment and all seems well, though I'm going to take it for a proper run this evening to be sure.

Thanks again for the suggestions! :)

EDIT: Top marks to Freelance for hitting the nail on the head!

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