
New Member
Any suggestions on something that really works? I have some annoying stains (looks like vanilla milkshake and I have no desire to think it anything else!!) on the fabric seats - really would like to get rid of it as it's the only things spoiling my otherwise very nice interior.
tesco upholstery cleaner is good for getting spunk stains off your seats

or get round o your local pound shop, youll be surprised what they got, i bought a load of cleaning stuff the other day including tar remover
Milkshake lads, milkshake ................... or else the lad in question should be earning mega bucks a la Ron Jeremy!
If i was running a car valeting business - I wouldn't advertise the fact that i bought all my products from poundland :rolleyes:
don't think anyone did, though someone did say that if they was running a car washing business they wouldn't advertise they was buying from the pound shop
nah see yer taking what was sed and turning into what you think they meant.
its the kind of thing that wumum do.. what you should really do is gather all available facts than make your judgment as to whether they just made an innocent comment or whether it was an attempt at making you look stupider.

am lets face it he could have sed "i wouldn't use stuff from the pound shop if i was trying to entice punters to return a second or third time."

would you still see that as an attack on yer integrity or a piece of helpful advice?
i know, they were having a ****ing dig as usual, i aint that ****in stupid

wasn't havin a dig - just sayin that if i was valeting someones car & charging them money for it I wouldn't let them know I used stuff from poundland

i'm not knocking it - I've bought their bumper shine stuff before - better than £4.99 halfords stuff & you can't beat their pack of 6 22" square dusters for £1
since you all know i valet cars what more proof do i need,

anyway, it wasnt car cleaning stuff apart from tar remover cause i use that on my bike, i bought a hard brush, dustpan and brush cause my other one was knackerd, some dusters, a tin of degreaser, also for my bike for the chain and gears and a couple of other bits and pieces
enter the weird and abstract world of DK17..

wonder at the amazing ability of DK17 to turn a simple question into a driving argument as to why darwin was a ****.

take cover as another round of verbal dihorhea comes yours way

watch in awe as he takes a simple comment and turn it into an insult

can nothing stop him from demonstrating evolution in reverse

come one come all get your tickets here for the greatist spectical on earth


under 16's must have a adult with them
"Bocage�s wall lizard, females change to male coloration to signal unavailability.

Females can choose the size of their families, although coercion is seen in mammals. Extra pair copulations and paternity are a natural strategy for females to balance the dangers of male power with the benefits of male parental investment.

Dominate males do not have better genes than subordinates by objective standards of measurement. Females select males whom they believe will deliver on the promised parental care. Females can mate with multiple partners to distribute paternal responsibility. Females can change their presentation to regulate mating frequency. Females can choose their family size. Courtship is not a beauty contest; rather it is a negotiation of parental commitment.

All of these contrary facts prove that Darwin�s simple model of sexual selection is too simple."

would either of you care to postulate on the correctness of the above phrase and enlighten us to your reasons?

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