garyrigden said:jet wash probably not a good idea, my mate done his with a jet wash and while he was cleaning it he decided to write his name in the dirt. the canvas is now a lot cleaner but he also has his name etched into the side of it in 2 foot high letters!
Have you tried a domestic presure whasher from a ditance on fanned out jet setting,starting from the top probably using ladder lent against side then working your way down sides,when dry apply lanalin based water proofer from camping shop i will give this a go when mine gets bad,Mark.PS TRY IT OUT FIRST ON A BIT OF OLD CANVAS.OTLevel said:My landy's canvas top is very very grubby, instead of being the normal tan colour it is dark brown and nearly black in places. Anyone have any suggestions on how to clean up the canvas and get it back to its original colour?