
Well-Known Member
Hi guys, I did browse the search facility but the latest post was 3 years old & I figured more peeps might have been down this road since.

My unrestored '87 RRC Vogue has what I believe to be the original top tailgate & having received four bouts of attention to the frame over the past fourteen years has now reached the point where I feel it's a case of throwing good money after bad.

I shall look for a complete unit as although the glass appears to undamaged, with a working heated/antenna element, I can't see the mileage in paying an Indie to rebuild it into a new frame, but what are the feelings these days regarding steel vs alloy?

Thanks guys, any opinions welcomed.
Hi guys, I did browse the search facility but the latest post was 3 years old & I figured more peeps might have been down this road since.

My unrestored '87 RRC Vogue has what I believe to be the original top tailgate & having received four bouts of attention to the frame over the past fourteen years has now reached the point where I feel it's a case of throwing good money after bad.

I shall look for a complete unit as although the glass appears to undamaged, with a working heated/antenna element, I can't see the mileage in paying an Indie to rebuild it into a new frame, but what are the feelings these days regarding steel vs alloy?

Thanks guys, any opinions welcomed.
That's a good idea as long as the aluminum sections are strong enough for the glass and the struts. Why not? 🤔
Put one of the self assembly kit ones on mine years ago. Think it came from Famous Four.
No issues putting it together although knowing what I know now I'd have replaced all the supplied screws with stainless steel.
Be careful cutting the old frame as if you catch the glass it can shatter.

Remember to close by pressing on the corners, not the centre as they are known to bow. Not had the problem as I knew to press on the sides.

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