
Hi Folks

I have been insuring me landy through Footman James for years and years... At renewal time - the latest sting in the tail is that they can no longer offer insurance with the ability to drive other cars third party.... Phoned them up to see how much it would be to add it on to be told that it was no longer available period with any of their insurers. (at least the price is still reasonable!!)

Does anyone know any firms still offering the driving other vehicles clause on their insurance policy ??


'75 Series III 88" pilot :)
I have a classic fixed value policy bought through Adrian FLux. This also has the same clause. Doesn't affect me though as I have a normal policyin another vehicle.
I think all classic policies have this clause.
a lot of insurance companies are stopping this. Due to people not realising that the other car has to be insured for you to drive it third party on your insurance. If the other car has no insurance you can not drive it on your policy. Police are seeing more and more incidents of people thinking there insured (haven't read policy) when not.
Just re-insured with A/F and mine came with 3rd party driving other cars + free breakdown and all the other usual useful things like European cover! (Like my Series would ever even make it to the ferry?!)

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