Getting paid some money in about a month or two. Think I should invest in a compressor so I can waxoyl the chassis each summer (to save on the £500-£600 of having it done professionally) and give the outside a bit of a respray with genuine Nato Green.

Just a general inquiry really, how many horsepower should the motor be, and how many litres capacity should the tank be? (how much would I have to spend to get a good one?) I have read up on a couple of landrover blogs and none of them explain how to actually use a compressor, or what sort of spray gun I should use. I am planning on using a mix of 50% waxoyl and 50% engine oil.

If you spray engine oil on itll never dry and yourll be essentially laying down a nice slippery surface for road users behind you. Yourll be loved by motorcyclists

most decent electric compressors for home use with a 13amp socket can give between 12 - 14 cfm which is more than adequate.

I got a 14cfm twin cylinder for £150 delivered. Ebay!
make sure you get an oil free compressor if you want to spray bodies etc.

Can't say I agree with this. Oilless compressors are noisy and tend to have shorter lifespans than a proper compressor head/motor combination. They also in my experience tend to have...optimistic...ratings.

As far as the oil in the lines, use a good filter/dryer combo before the gun and save a line specifically for spraying so that you don't use it with your rattle gun and contaminate it with oil.

My setup has a branch in its output - it's got a straight run to the hose reel for rattle guns, blow guns, air tools and such and then a second line to a filter/dryer which gets used exclusively for paintwork. if this seems a bit much disposable filters can be put on at the gun end - they're inexpensive and adequate for the occasional user. I use them on my HVLP gun on occasion when working in the workshop rather than the garage and on mypowder coat gun to exclude stray tank moisture.

Just bought this kit.
Added a few tools as well (impact wrench, ratchet etc).
Seems to do the job.

Agree about the engine oil, why on earth would you add it to an excellent product like Waxoyl?????

I've used the engine oil/ wax oil combo before and to be honest it's crap. It never dries and if anything it makes the whole lot more like a bitumen sludge which I found tended to trap water behind it rather than repel and seal

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