
New Member
Hey all,

Just getting back to using the old girl after the various leaks it had over the winter. Been driving much more modern cars for a couple of months but there are a few sounds the 90 is making that I'd like to investigate.

On very slight throttle while moving or much more so off throttle, the engine or something in that area is chirping. A very similar sound to the old 90's rally cars used to make. Almost a dumpvalve esque noise. Normally it only does it slowly but on downshift it can make the sound many times in a short period of time but not as loud.

Part of me is thinking it's a mount or support that is moving due to a lose bolt, the other part of me is thinking EGR valve or something else? I'm leaning towards engine part rather than just a mounting.

This is all at low revs before the turbo gets involved and the poor old girl only gets driven gently, no redline or foot to the floor stuff here.

So what do you guys think it could be or where should I start looking?
Thanks in advance!

Edit: 1993 300tdi defender 90
Take the serpentine belt of and try again. If its gone then you are down to a handful of bits to look at (alt, fan bearing, PS pump, water pump or tensioner / belt
Take the serpentine belt of and try again. If its gone then you are down to a handful of bits to look at (alt, fan bearing, PS pump, water pump or tensioner / belt

don't run for long without the pump connected

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