so the top of the wings have got holes for rivers etc but the lower sills under the door and section behind the rear arch have no holes drilled? is this somthing that can be tiger sealed and clamped up or another form of bonding? my lower seals are bent and not in good shap. or am I meant to drill them ?

Any help would be appreciate as I want to fit them in the next hour or so.

Cheers chaps
Mine were pre drilled for counter sunk stainless fixings. Having said that, I don't think they would go far if stuck on with Tiger Seal. That stuff is the dogs
Fix them mechanically with rivets, or even rivnuts and countersunk bolts if removal is needed.

Just in case one does not stick well. I personally would not want to be behind you at 60mph if one ever does let go..............:eek::eek:

Tiger seal first, let it go off so they're stuck, then drill and pop rivet .. :)

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