
New Member
Cheer me up please it cant all be doom and gloom, I have owned my Landy for less than a week and it has already been in the garage once to replace the fuel filter (becasue i put redex in the tank) and it is still not 100%. I wouldn't dare hitch my caravan to it for fear of it not making it up any road with a slight incline. The more I read on the net about owning a Landy them more the future looks bleak with constant worries about what is going to break next. Is this the case? have I spent the worst £3k of my life?
The problem is time and money, if you have time, thats good spend some time on the landy, keeping it in good order.

I think your lift pump may have gone, fear not this can be replaced for about £20 and its just 2 bolts.

Take the fuel out pipe off your lift pump, and then move the little lever on it a few times, diesel may come out the fuel out pipe - good, if not, give the engine one blimp on the starter to get it to turn the engine round a bit (reason for this is that the cam shaft which drives the lift pump has to be on the right side or the lever on the pump will not work - so you essentialy want to turn the cam over 1/2 a turn), then try the lever again, if no fuel, give it one last turn on the starter to move the engine a bit again incase you missed it and try the lever, if you don't get any fuel out by pumping that lever, replace the pump and that could very well be you.

If you have a big enough socket/spanner, you can turn the engine over on that - its more accurate.

The redex maybe chucked some gunk up through the pump, and knocked out a possibly ready to die lift pump.

What engine is it you have?
ah think yule find that any vehicle related forum will be full of tales of grief no matter which make it is.hardly anyone starts a thread with' my oom-foo foo mobile' starts first time every time and never breaks down. you should have a look at the jaglovers forum for instance. full of 'oh! dear my door handles broke again'. or here at landyzone in the gaylander bit....i was washing my hippo before taking it for it yearly HG change when the doors fell off and all the lights started flashing.. in short every car, truck, landy or gaylander has it inbuilt faults. if you know one end of a spanner from tit other there is usually someone here that can help you sort yer niggles.
My 90 has been running spot on for a few weeks if you don't count the fact that the offside CV joint makes a loud cracking noise on full lock, and the steering pump only works when it wants. And its managed to knacker my mobile phone!
Talking of Jag woes, a bloke who lives round the corner from me sold his Disco and got a brand new Jag. In less than a year it is on it's third engine and spends more time in the garage than on the road. He's going to buy another Disco!
Treat every vehicle individually. If you find yourself replacing lots of parts, think of it this way.

"At least i won't have to replace it again!"
Treev150 said:
Treat every vehicle individually. If you find yourself replacing lots of parts, think of it this way.

"At least i won't have to replace it again!"

unless its on a gaylander as in,' its on its third fuel pump in 6 months'
if you end up replacing everything on yer landy in the first 12c moths then hey presto, you bought an old landy and 12 months later you got a brand new one ;)

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