James W

Active Member
Morning all,

During a very long, very steep, very laiden ascent last week my auto box temp warning came on. First time ever, but I'm not surprised to be honest, it was one hell of a hill. I let it cool down and it came on occasionally for about half an hour later but then went off properly.

My auto box oil was checked in April during a service and found to be fine. But I want to check the oil is still red (I believe it should be, not brown) and doesn't smell burnt.

Is this easy to do?

It is a very easy job just get under the disco and the level plug is on the front of the autobox sump pan where the oil cooler pipes pass but don't forget it needs to be from cold or very cool oil temp and running to check it correctly.

Cool, thanks - I hope I'm able to check the quality of the oil from there!

A job for the weekend. :)

Thanks again!
Cool, thanks - I hope I'm able to check the quality of the oil from there!

A job for the weekend. :)

Thanks again!

Why dont you just change it! Should be done anyway every 24k.

Get it nice and warm first before you drain it, undo filler first (torx socket)that way you know you can get the oil in again once drained.
Suppose that's quite a fair comment! :rolleyes:

Just 3 questions:
  1. Is this do-able without raising the vehicle?
  2. Do I need to change any filters at the same time?
  3. Will I need to replace the o-ring seal on the drain plug (one-use-only), like on the engine oil?
Suppose that's quite a fair comment! :rolleyes:

Just 3 questions:
  1. Is this do-able without raising the vehicle?
  2. Do I need to change any filters at the same time?
  3. Will I need to replace the o-ring seal on the drain plug (one-use-only), like on the engine oil?

You will need a big bucket as there's a lot of oil in there!

Probably better with front wheels on ramps,you have to take the gearbox sump off to clean the filter which can then be replaced with new o rings,sump gasket,drain plug seal & filler plug/level seal (not a torx as earlier stated)

Refill with approx 9 litres ATF Dexron 11D

Sounds a bit scary though! :eek:

Will have a think - removing the whole sump sounds a bit of a step from simply dropping the oil out of a drain plug ;)

Thanks for your help!
Couldn't avoid this thread. Just acquired our TD5 a few weeks ago. 98K (kms) on the clock and always serviced by an L/R dealer, except for the last two 10k services. Decided to 'baseline' the whole car and changed every fluid/oil/lube including all filters (yes, the auto filter as well). Funny thing, I drained 2.5 litres out of the autobox (including running empty for a few of seconds to get the fluid out of the torque converter) and followed the manual exactly (check levels whilst running and after allowing the clutches/brakes to refill) and refilled with 4.5 litres. The two litres diference is scary in itself, but there does not seem to be any way to get the service manual's 9 litre refill amount. What am I missing?
Not at all! I presume that this is just another of those unfortunate printing errors, just like the one about only changing the engine's centrifugal oil filter at 60K kms?
"Rave" CD also says 9l,sounds like a lot of oil to me in a gearbox:confused:
I would fill it up to level,go for a short spin then check level again to make sure.
Hi all,
just wondered if there is any trick to refilling the auto box after draining etc, the filler plug doesn't seem to be in a very good place for tipping a bottle.
Hi all,
just wondered if there is any trick to refilling the auto box after draining etc, the filler plug doesn't seem to be in a very good place for tipping a bottle.

Difflock sell a special "garden sprayer" pump jobby, I use a metal 1litre syringe that has a curved bit on the end which goes in ye hole nicely:)
Difflock sell a special "garden sprayer" pump jobby, I use a metal 1litre syringe that has a curved bit on the end which goes in ye hole nicely:)

I made my own out of a 1.5litre garden sprayer - the on-off valve is brilliant and it is easy to get into the filler hole.
ok, next stupid question, (sorry, but only just started to trust myself working on this car).

Has anyone got a definitive list of parts needed to replace the gearbox filter + oil on '99 TD5 Auto, including out of the ordinary tools? Big ask i know, but i've never found Haynes any good, and haven't come across parts required lists in RAVE.

There is a whole heap of autobox oil trapped in the torque converter that you cannot get out no way no how unless you take off the converter.

Here's a great tip for all you automatic box fans ... when you take off the gearbox pan, hunt for a little magnet stuck to the pipes. If you find it, pull it off along with that heap of metal filings stuck to it, and clean it. Put it back.

Then get an old loudspeaker, and break it to bits to get just the ferrite magnet do-nut ring from it. Find a spot on the gearbox pan where you can put this do-nut thing (it will stick hard all by itself) and still allow you to re-fit the pan without the do-nut magnet hitting anything.

It is amazing how good a speaker magnet is at sucking metal particles out of the gearbox oil. I've done lots of these and never a problem. Some people just fit the magnet to the OUTside of the pan and that works fine, BUT if it gets knocked off all the particles that were collected inside on the surface of the pan get released which will probably cause big time troubles.

ok, next stupid question, (sorry, but only just started to trust myself working on this car).

Has anyone got a definitive list of parts needed to replace the gearbox filter + oil on '99 TD5 Auto, including out of the ordinary tools? Big ask i know, but i've never found Haynes any good, and haven't come across parts required lists in RAVE.


Let me know how you get on Sharkey - I'm still building up the courage to do this job.. At the moment I've decided to tackle the engine oil and filters by myself but not the auto box oil... At the moment I'm going to let the garage do this one :(

One of the biggest things putting my off is trying to work under the car - I can see it being so much easier for a garage to do it on a ramp. I'm panicking about managing to get the oil box oil out, but failing to be able to refill it sufficiently. Or dropping the sump off to change the filter and all the gear cogs or something falling out all over the drive !! :eek:

I'm a born worrier..... Getting better though. To help give you an indication, my greatest achievement so far has been fitting my ERG blanking plate! :p I'd love to do more but just wish I had someone to oversee what I'm doing.
For working under the car, i've found that jacking it up, then lowering the front wheels onto a couple of solid breezeblocks gives enough room without much risk of falling, personally i don't trust axle stands on something that heavy. I've only done the engine oil with both filters and changed a couple of sensors, (MAF and engine temp), so far myself, hence the questions.

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