
New Member
Hi all,

New to this forum having just purchased a 2007 freelander td4 xs, and know from other forums how useful they are with regards to information when fellow members have problems that require resolving.

I have just purchased a brand new fob and wondered if any forum members local to Rotherham could programme the fob are know anywhere local that is relatively cheap.

Many thanks
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hi have you tried your local landrover dealer I know these things can be expensive ,try to google someone local that can do it is best bet hope this helps oh by the way pop into introductions and give us some info on yourself just to be polite :)
I'd go with the suggestion to try your local LR dealer, get a quote first though, alternatively look for a local auto electrician perhaps.
You might find that you didn't get a faster response to your question because your first post here was to request help with this problem, there's sort of an unwritten 'rule' to go to the 'introduce yourself' section and post there first, don't worry about it as you wouldn't have known that when you came on here but it may be an idea for future enquiries to pop along and say hello-follow this link mate
Introduce Yourself - Land Rover Zone
Welcome by the way :)
I've just had a price for my FL 1, new fob £79.00, new key £95.00, I've only got one key and fob so will have to bite the bullet I think.
Thanks all for the replies.

Apologies, yes I can see how it might look now joining up and then going straight into wanting advice.

I have been members of skoda and rover forums and have been able to help of fellow forum members myself as I know these cars inside out and carry out all my own work from engine rebuilds to part restorations as I also have a triumph stag.

I will pop into the introduce yourself section although I have probably now done that lol.

Most things I can do but electrics is a vey poor subject for me.

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