
New Member
Hi All,

Long time reader and first time poster so please be nice!(ish)

I had my S3 truck cab stolen about 6 years ago (YCW 28V if anyone's interested!) and came across some old photos today.

I've looked through the "Stolen Landy" section of a couple of forums and was wandering what is stopping everyone using the cheap GPS tracking solutions, such as mobiles etc?? I'm not trying to sell anything (yet!) but was wandering what the sticking point is with this.
I have a custom built "box" in my car presently (house DIY costs rule out buying another Series3 presently, although it's defo on the cards!) this box, when I text it, sends me emails with a link that shows my the position of the car on google maps. Cost me 100 to build with only the cost of a text message eveytime i want to know where it is...

This stuff is readily available and can be put together with soldering irons/duck tape/zip ties whatever - I was wondering what's stopping you all hiding this kit in your landys? Obviously no one wants to pay Tracker just for some oik to throw the box out of the window, and hope the cops pick up a signal before this happens so why not use a cheaper alternative??

Would like to know your thoughts.... (probably...!!)


I'm not saying it's infallible (spelling!?) but, that jammer would have to be in the car the whole time to stop the kit working, which i think is unlikely, don't you?

Also, for a top spec 90 or whatever you'd probably have much better security, i'm talking about your average series or 90 - how many crooks are going to have a jammer with them?

I'd have a clutchclaw and discloc as well - But in my honest opinion the only way to stop your car driving off is to land mine your drive!

So your saying people aren't investing in this tech because it can be easily jammed?


I'm not saying it's infallible (spelling!?) but, that jammer would have to be in the car the whole time to stop the kit working, which i think is unlikely, don't you?

Also, for a top spec 90 or whatever you'd probably have much better security, i'm talking about your average series or 90 - how many crooks are going to have a jammer with them?

I'd have a clutchclaw and discloc as well - But in my honest opinion the only way to stop your car driving off is to land mine your drive!

So your saying people aren't investing in this tech because it can be easily jammed?


They only need the jammer in till they have checked the car for a gps tracker. Once found its easily removed. Best security is a garage with various other vehicles blocking the doorway.

I'm not saying it's infallible (spelling!?) but, that jammer would have to be in the car the whole time to stop the kit working, which i think is unlikely, don't you?

Only while nicking it and up until the point the vehicle is stripped or tracker removed

Also, for a top spec 90 or whatever you'd probably have much better security, i'm talking about your average series or 90 - how many crooks are going to have a jammer with them?

You can jam GSM signal without a jammer.

I'd have a clutchclaw and discloc as well - But in my honest opinion the only way to stop your car driving off is to land mine your drive!

disclock fitted in conjunction with the wheels on full lock is the best single defence for a landy.

So your saying people aren't investing in this tech because it can be easily jammed?



answers in red
I had a Tracker in my old car that got pinched......they found it 4 days later in the police recovery yard where it had sat for 3 days. Good things them trakkers:rolleyes:
Thanks, I've never understood the full lock thing...

If you tow a vehicle away, you'd lift the front wheels off the ground wouldn't you?
I had a Tracker in my old car that got pinched......they found it 4 days later in the police recovery yard where it had sat for 3 days. Good things them trakkers:rolleyes:

we had the same at work a year or so back. We'd had the car in our place for 2 weeks.:doh:
Thanks, I've never understood the full lock thing...

If you tow a vehicle away, you'd lift the front wheels off the ground wouldn't you?

No. you'd tow it on a rope or straight bar behind another vehicle. Loading a spec lift is time consuming and noisey, not to mention the damage caused to the 4x4 drive train. clipping a rope on and snapping the steering lock takes seconds.
Yeah but i'm saying if your recovery truck lifted the front wheels then the full lock wouldn't matter would it? Or would it not go in the lifting thingy??

Still favour land mines or something else as radical.
Yeah but i'm saying if your recovery truck lifted the front wheels then the full lock wouldn't matter would it? Or would it not go in the lifting thingy??

Still favour land mines or something else as radical.

if you did manage it then the 2 black rubber streaks following the truck might help you locate the missing vehicle.

assuming it has freewheeling hubs then the recovery vehicle would need to be an underlift or have an adjustable width spec. They tyre width coupled with the extra width of full lock would make a landy too wide for a standard spec.

It would most likely be a hiab (crane) they'd use.
I see, I think im just being a bit dense.... Either way, discloc full lock, clutchclaw and blocked in sound good.

Would worry when I was at work as the blocked in bit wouldnt be applicable...
Does anyone use the raised lockable posts you sink in the ground?
Does anyone use the raised lockable posts you sink in the ground?

Nope. The council put one up on my road a few weeks back. It lasted a whole day before it was ripped out. It took another 2 days before it was nicked.:rolleyes::p
Mines got a disc lock, cat 1 alarm and immobiliser. and on a night its on my drive behind double locked gates with a security post in front of it and 2 cameras watching it and my 2 dogs now sleep outside 1 is a staffy cross jack russel so yappy as f*ck!!. my last 90 i owned for a day before some c*nt stole it. it wont happen again. My opinion is you cant have enough security
Wouldn't it be possible to hide an old mobile phone in the vehicle, although it would have to be left on charge. So if the vehicle is stolen you could call the google phone locator and find it?

That said, that is part of the cure and does little to help prevention. Diskloks are obvious and therfore aid the deterrent factor. However, a big f*@cking dog on the passenger seat also does the trick!!!!!

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