
Active Member
I pay about £150 a year for 3rd party, fire, theft insurance. I used to think this was OK, but a hear about people with Series landies paying about £50, low milage etc.

Any tips please?
you're joking ??right???? i got me jag fully comp with roadside recovery and it was only 550euros which is about 350 squid, give or take a poke in the eye.the beamer is even less i think that was about 300euros(200 squid) so when i get the series back together i expect to be paying around 100euros or less.
Hey up Cap'n Steamy.

Try firebond or NFU mutual both have websites.

I'm paying a similar amount as you but for fully comp the difference between the two wasn't much though (I'm a hundred and twelvetysix years old with no claims bonus going back to the Boer war).

There are loads of threads on this subject try doing a search.
so you had a crash just before the turn of last century? what was it ? ran into a crowd of charging zulus?
Well no not quite.

You see there were three pubescent Hottentots the Governor of Indias' daughter (she was over on a holiday don't you know) a four in hand and one of those new fangled Gatling guns, I don't want to bore you young'uns with the sordid details but I was bang to rights (they didn't use that saying in those days but you know what I mean. It's a bit like the saying "Annaly retentive" surely that means one retains things in ones bottom and so therefore one doesn't give a ****, but maybe I've got it wrong).

Anyway the nurse has just come to give me my tablets.
GRUNT said:
Well no not quite.

. It's a bit like the saying "Annaly retentive" surely that means one retains things in ones bottom and so therefore one doesn't give a ****, but maybe I've got it wrong).

Anyway the nurse has just come to give me my tablets.

ah! well! you see those people(is that the right word?) that are analy retentive seem to give a **** about everything. whether it concerns them or not. i think they used to be called flucking artholes before that was deemed un politically correct. anyway i have a theory on these ar's.. i reckon that during one of their kinky sex sessions they got something stuck and they reckon that if they stick their nose's into others bussiness then someone will slap them hard enough to dislodge what ever is up there.
probelly a copy of the FT or an flecu.
are you on the same medication as me? big **** off orange things and them tiny little green ones.
Same medication? Same bastard genes I'd guess. I only stay here cos' you two make me feel normal, don't even got a Landy, I drive an imaginary, white, nas speck pedal car.

Insurance? I pay about a hundred nicker a year 3rd party & all that & I thought I was doing OK (being born around the time of the Crimea & all). It's certainly the first motor I've ever paid the premium on in one go. From what's been said tho' I might have a better shufty about come renewal time!

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