
New Member
I need to to a bit of chassis repairing. Ive read that 2-3 mm metal is good to patch the chassis, but what type of metal do I need? Thanks.
chewing gum and metal mastic with a good squirt of underbodycsealant goes down well at VOSA.

Are yu serious?????
Wots the chassis made out of? Steel - do yu think aluminium or brass or magnesium is gonna weld proppa?
I wud suggest that if yu dont know wot metal to use- yu go to someone that does!
I obviouisly know its steel.....but i wasn't sure what grade. (although after re-reading my 1st post it does say what metal :crazy:) Mild steel is the answer I was looing for. Thanks 90truckcab. Ive never heard of the paper mushy trick. Im gonna have to try that one.

Dont worry yourself mad hat man, im getting the repair patches for my mate to weld, as i have never welded. Hence I was asking the question.

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i have been called that before.
At least i think so?
It was fillo-sumat, maybe it was fillostyne. It was a long word anyways. I fink it was a complement.
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