
New Member
I have recently bought a used Range Rover (1990-94), with damaged to the front of the chassis. I’ am going to use the car as spare parts to rebuild my other Range Rover, but I do not have the chassis number (VIN) to the damaged car. It is not possible to read the chassis number that is stamped on the right side of the chassis adjacent to the front shock absorber, and the plate that is riveted under the bonnet is gone. Is it possible to track down the chassis number (VIN) with help of the engine number?

Engine number: 38D 24815A

Haakon F. Hegstad

In short no the engine number is in most parts for the Engine


has a full explanation on Chassis numbers. and you might find calling Land Rover HQ asking for their classic dept they may well have a way of locating the VIN (Why do you want the chassis number if youre going to use the damaged one as donor vehicle ? )

If you can find it theres a great site called "Fulham Farmers" this guy seems really clued up on Rangies.

Regards Charlotte
Ask indeed. :)

I got the car from the local scrap yard. It had been in an accident. I contacted Land Rover Inc. Got the VIN number from them.

Haakon F.

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