
New Member
Hi everyone, I wonder if you could give me some pointers...
I've just been to view an 88" and it was made up of 2A and Series 3 components. The chassis is a Series 3, as are the wings but the engine and bulkhead are Series 2. Obviously more digging would find other swapsies I'm sure. The vehicle was on a 1982 'C' plate to match the chassis but I don't understand why other 'big' bits have been swapped from older vehicles. Does this sound suspicious, strange or just the way some of these older vehicles turn out over the years? Also, if it's mainly a 2 Series, why is the number plate based only on the chassis....and could tax exempt status and black/silver number plates be sorted via DVLA - if so what proof or documentation would I need to sort? Thanks!
Also, the chassis is for an 88" diesel - yet the engine is a 2 & 1/4 petrol.....Would you steer clear? She looks and drives beautifully but I am worried by the 'bitsa' thing!​
The chassis, together with a couple of other major items - eg axles, suspension, steering, engine, transmission etc are enough to carry the ID of the vehicle - it is NOT related to the bodywork at all. you can find all about vehicle identities and the points system on DVLA website somewhere. So - carrying a 1980's registration is probably correct.

in 1969ish Land Rover changed headlights from the front grill panel onto the front wings to meet (I believe) construction & use regulations. fitting 2a wings and front panel onto a later machine - especially one as late as 1980's - would certainly contravene these regs.

personally I'd probably steer clear unless it was an unmitigated bargain.
Its quite common to steal the status of an older car to get the tax exempt certificate, if this is deffo the case then a steer clear might be in order.
However if the owner can show that the car as is has been on the road for a while and has passed a few mot's and been re-taxed a few times then you might be ok, also check the V5 for 'historic vehicle' taxation class.
My landy is a cock up from all kinds of crap, and now I've screwed her up even more by welding in a disco engine, the DVLA are not bothered, they just say its my responsibility and just want me to tell them what it is without any proof.
I'd be more concerned if it was t'other way round..trying to be a tax exempt series 2 on the log book rather than the correct series 3.

As for the engine..tbh..i'd rather have the diesel...not sure why someone has done the swap to petrol unless they got the engine and work done for nowt!
Cheers chaps, ...
One other question, the logbook states 'diesel' when the vehicle in fact has the 2.25 petrol lump. The seller states that crossing out 'diesel' and putting 'petrol' on the logbook when he sends it in will suffice in getting this changed over on the V5. Is it really that simple?
Cheers chaps, ...
One other question, the logbook states 'diesel' when the vehicle in fact has the 2.25 petrol lump. The seller states that crossing out 'diesel' and putting 'petrol' on the logbook when he sends it in will suffice in getting this changed over on the V5. Is it really that simple? a section on the v5 for changes...including fuel!! Dont cross things out..they'll just send it back and say 'do it properly'!!
If the V5 doesn't match the vehicle then walk away. You might not be able to check the VIN number as the chassis has probably been patched/painted/waxoiled over and the plate on the bulkhead won't match unless it's been moved. The engine has been changed without informing DVLA - why? This sounds like a bodged together pile of poo.
One other question, the logbook states 'diesel' when the vehicle in fact has the 2.25 petrol lump. The seller states that crossing out 'diesel' and putting 'petrol' on the logbook when he sends it in will suffice in getting this changed over on the V5. Is it really that simple?

LOL, did you not think "hang on a minute" when he said that?
LOL, did you not think "hang on a minute" when he said that?

Yep! ;)

It's common to swap engine on 30+ year old Landies though and I for one would swap an old clapped-out diesel unit for the petrol. Looking online at the DVLA MOT history for the vehicle, the engine was changed a couple of years ago and has been MOTd as a petrol unit twice....yet still says diesel on the logbook.

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