
New Member
what's the easiest way to change the chassis bushes for the leaf spring mounts? can you do it with a piece of threaded rod and various sockets to use as spacers / drifts??

yes. thats the way i did it. They might be quite stiff so best to put some tension on the thread then give the end a smack with a hammer to start it moving
I had to extract the rubber bit with a bolt and some spacers and then used a hacksaw to split the metal sleeve before knocking it out with a chisel. Took ages.
Extract as Oxides says ^^^.

Fitting is easier if you 'polish' the outside of the bush with some wet and dry and pop them in the freezer over night and get them out at the very last moment before fitting.
Excellent!! thanks for the replies


the above makes it sound easy, be prepared to spend a day bashing, heating, drilling, cutting and swearing at them

last set i did needed the rubber burning off, to get the center out, then hacksawing through the outer, and then drifting (tiny chunk by chunk) out the remains

horrible job
also when fitting, make sure the chassis hole is spotlessly clean and totally free from all burrs - put a definite chamfer on the inside rail, this will help center the new bush as it goes in - put a chamfer on the new bush outer, grease the inside of the chassis rail - do the freezer trick - and when your fitting it make sure you'r bearing down on the out of the new bush, don't be beating or trying to pull it through using the inner
the holes in the chassis ,when you get the outer bush out get yourself a 8" length of steel rod cut a hacksaw slot in the end @1 and a half inches deep,get some rough emery cloth strips,put the end in the slot,wrap it round the shaft,put it in the drill,into the hole start up and polish the hole in the chassis.gently file a short taper on the end of the new bush+a little copperslip in the hole then go for it,,,,it dont half make a difference.....best of luck mate....dave

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