
Since the cold and rain disappeared my ammeter has been reading right over on the right hand side (charging), suddenly it started to sit just the wrong side of zero (discharging) even at revs. The battery warning light does not come on even pre ignition (diesel).Wiring looks ok, and alternator is 8 months old. Any thoughts anyone? Could it be the battery?
do you own a multimeter???? If not Maplins sell em for not a lot if money??
If the battery warning light does not come on at all, it could mean the warning light bulb has blown. If it has, the alternator will not work. The bulb circuit is what makes the alternator start working. First thing though as Redhand says, put a meter on the battery and see if the voltage comes up when you start the engine. You can use it to check the warning light circuit as well
if the meter was reading right over in the red the alternator was overcharging it should sit around half way..doesnt matter how old the alternator is..i had 3 duff alternators that went wrong all in the space of 3 red sed you need to see what the alternator is outputting...around 14.4 volts is good

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