Chaps and Chapesses,

I have been meaning to ask if anyone on here has ever been charged extra for things such as using the tip or parking etc for having a Landy??

I recently filled up my 90 pickup to go to the tip and offloaded without an issue.

When I went back with the dog canopy on and a broken up sofa with lots of old cushions in the back they said I needed a commercial licence to drive a van ! Thanks but its a land pickup ..... or so i thought! Any vehicle with covered dedicated storage space is classed as a van !!!!!! WTF !!

He took my number plate and put me on the naughty list and said I had used my second chance this time but in the future no canopy or pay the extra fee! I was flabbergasted !!!!

Has anyone else experienced this ?? I felt like asking him where the schools portion of my council tax goes when I don't have kids?? Or the roads portion of any of my tax because in west oxfordshire they don't spend it on the roads!! Or what happens to my bins when I am on the Oil rigs for 6 months of the year and my house is empty ????????

Your thoughts ?
Tell them it's all from your own house and ask for complaints form
i get this ALL the time in the van .

at the end of the day its my social vehicle - i work for a company - i am dumping personal waste from my garage/garden/house.

Ive never had to pay yet - i used to argue with them , now i just have a copy of my insurance in the glove box that shows im covered for social domestic and pleasure - and this is firmly in the domestic camp.

Never had this issue with my landy ever - and crazilly with the berlingo which is the same as the van - with the same contents ... i never have an issue.
actually i mind i took a load of cardboard boxes to the tip once - i had my irish mate with me in the passengers seat of the van

the man in the tip came to the passengers side and he wound down his window and started speaking to the guy ...... holy **** i thought we were gonna get marched out the place.

ended up having to fill out a declaration that it was my personal waste and give them my address and **** - ive never had it that bad before or since.
We have to fill in a form online at the council web site giving the reg and everything and declaring its not business waste, we get a permit through the post and had that in to the guy on the gate. We can only have one permit a month. They also do a recycle permit, that last 12 months.

I'm not sure how they are going to do in now actually, they used to check the tax disk, if it said goods vechical you needed one if it didn't you were ok.

Hence needed on in the 110 but not in the disco.
It is mental, they wouldn't have a job if it wasn't for council tax payers. Just rock up with your bill and show them, there it is !! The police protect me, the schools teach your kids and you young man, take my rubbish. Otherwise, I need a rebate ! No wonder so many people fly tip !! He actually said I could come in the pickup as many times as i like but not with the canopy ! Idiot
Did't get charged in my local tip but did have to apply for a licence enabling me to tip once per month maximum free when i had my S3.
I know it is annoying, but an acquaintance of mine had a holiday job at one of those places and they come under a lot of pressure from managers about what they're allowed to accept, what bin it goes in, and not to let builders use the facility that's supposed to be for domestic customers. In addition some builders were giving the (low paid) tip workers small bribes to accept commercial waste (cheaper than hiring a skip) which the council was trying to prevent. Some councils even send 'mystery customers' round who try to break the rules to check up on whether the staff are applying the policy. So it's a systemic problem rather than just little Hitlers in high-vis jackets.
I took my modified 90 hardtop and got stopped, I argued he said its a van, I said not really its my personal car if you want me to use a van I'll be back in my transit in 10 minutes, it was garden waste I was tipping then,
Our council ar ok with that,All they stipulate is the van has no signwriting on it then they give you a free annual pass once it's registered on their system.
Durham operates a permit system for commercials and trailers

Go online and apply, permits are posted out to you foc.

Does your council not do this?
In Bradford we have to get a household permit to prove we live in the councils area as well as van and large trailer permits.
Very first time I took my 90 soft top to the dump they stopped me and looked inside. The guy said if I had a solid bulkhead dividing the rear from the front then it would be classed as a van and I would have to pay. I don't have that and it's my garden waste anyway so no further problems

its comon everywhere - need a (free) permit in Hants if considered a commercial vehicle.

Exactly the same up the local dump at St Erth, anything without windows in the back is considered commercial! :rolleyes:

So I always take my v8 disco, instead of the diesel 90, which would seem to reduce the environmental benefits somewhat :eek: :D
the problem here is what is considered a commercial vehicle - that seems to be at the discretion of the operative. a better uniform system could be envisaged surely?
Main problem is most defenders are commercial vehicles. If peeps choose to use then as personal vehicles and not for their main purpose. You can't blame the guy at the tip for telling ya to feck orf!!..
Main problem is most defenders are commercial vehicles. If peeps choose to use then as personal vehicles and not for their main purpose. You can't blame the guy at the tip for telling ya to feck orf!!..

Fair enough, it does say on the log book that my motor is commercial, but the real issue is the cooncils trying to screw money out of traders, or any other poor sod that needs to get rid of a lot of waste. Very counterproductive in many cases, as the resultant fly tipping is much more expensive than disposing of stuff at the tip.

If they were more efficient about sorting, a lot of the waste actually has a value, and in some European countries this is recognised, and the stuff is welcomed, instead of doing their utmost to force people out into the lanes and hedgerows :(
I had the same problem with my american dodge van its about the same size as a transit but is a camper inside but because it has no side windows its deemed as a commercial vehicle, i told the guy on the gate to look inside to see it was a camper they did let me tip eventually but werent very happy about it, i now use the disco, but it does make you wonder if they make it so difficult to tip people will just fly tip it and the council will have to clear it up anyway at more expense, makes no sense to me

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