
Active Member
Hi everyone,

i am wanting to go and drive chapel gate tonight. i have driven it before but the problem is i was following a group of friends so didnt take much note of where it was!

I am wanting to get as many people together as possible tonight to drive this lane one last time and give her a good send off!! What i propose is we get as many landys over as possible before midnight!!

Would anybody who knows the location of this lane and any who dont want to meet somewhere and have one last trip out over Chapel Gate?

I am actually asking my boss/dad to pay my wage early so i can go and do it!! (he likes greenlaning too so its likely)

I just think it needs to have one final group go over it one last time!

Please add your names to a list and we and can work out where we are going to meet and assign somebody who knows where it is to lead the group!

Cheers guys

Would have joined you with a bit more notice :D

Have a great time, dont get stuck after midnight though :D

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