Hi there,

I'm new to the forum, having bought my 1982 88" nearly 2 years ago and not doing a great deal with her.

She's currently a hardtop and I was wondering if it is possible to change the 'top' to a station wagon?

Any advice, gratefully receaived!

re changing hard top.

can be done, easy job, just few bolts to undo would suggest getting a mate to help. just makes life easyier, i changed mine frequently on my own but easyier with two.

can be easier to just change the side panels one at a time unless putting a safari roof on.

ps just replace seal on top of front wind screen or put sealer there reduces the water getting in...... ha ha
the same if changing side panels

good luck took me three/ four times doing this untill i had the roof & window combo i wanted for mine.

have a disco now but really enjoyed my series 2 & 3 landys

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