
New Member
Hi Everyone,

I have recently bought a 2.5 diesel N/A 86-92 model ex military I am after advice on how hard it is to change the suspension also where are the best places to get suspension kits from that would fit my model, would the sell the full kit as a one or would I need to buy each piece individually?

Many thanks Mac
Changing the bushes can be a pig of a job, but is possible. I drilled out the rubber on mine, then hack sawed out the sleeve. Pressed new genuine LR bushes in with a number 4 vice and some suitable drifts. Can be done quicker with a hydraulic press, and even quicker still with non-OE bushes which just pop in. IMO though, genuine bushes are the only way to go.

As for dampers and springs, again OE springs, but my choice would be deCarbon gas shocks-with the orange parts painted back to make them less obvious and more in keeping.
There are some interesting 2.5 N/A engine queries around at the moment :)

One asking about tyres and wheels, and now this one asking about suspension!

Haven't these newbies realised that to get here they need to navigate through a section called, "Engines"

Thanks dobbs your comments are appreciated! As for the other two comments why on earth would I look at ENGINES?? When I am asking a question about SUSPENSION??? Or was that bit to difficult for you to read?? And just because we are newbies it does not mean we are in any way less enthusiastic about a Landrover or doing it up! So please excuse me while I don't bow at your feet or worship whatever crap you want to comment next! Have you never heard of being helpful??? But forgot your senior members and that makes you oh so special doesn't it, NO not at all!!!
Two posts in two weeks, no intro and then gets snotty!

Please feel free to have a good look through the different sections and threads in the forum, and then possibly educate yourself in Forum Etiquette, as you obviously have no intention be being anything other than an arrogant, ignorant little tosser who knows better than anyone else!

I have to admit that the crap that I have been spouting over many years is just that, and yet without manure rhubarb and mushrooms will not grow!
Two posts in two weeks, no intro and then gets snotty!

Please feel free to have a good look through the different sections and threads in the forum, and then possibly educate yourself in Forum Etiquette, as you obviously have no intention be being anything other than an arrogant, ignorant little tosser who knows better than anyone else!

I have to admit that the crap that I have been spouting over many years is just that, and yet without manure rhubarb and mushrooms will not grow!

If you read my post it quite clearly says hi everyone and then explains what I have as a vehicle, but when you come on with comments like FFS and then spouting whatever you want to spout don't expect people to have a very good opinion of you, as for being an arrogant, ignorant "little Tosser" I'm far from little and not a tosser I don't appreciate being belittled by someone when I have asked a genuine question!!! Especially when the person doesn't know me at all you could of quite easily said " you have posted this in the wrong section and take a look here in this section etc" but no you just came in with a childish comment thinking you are the bee's knees. So again please think what you like of me but it was a genuine question about suspension and I may have posted it in the wrong section but like I said in my earlier reply to you all you had to do was be helpful and maybe you wouldn't of got the reply I posted! As for knowing more than anyone else no not at all I just simply asked a question and don't expect to be belittled by the likes of you, so maybe you need to look at your etiquette before making judgements on someone who is clearly defending what they wrote!
OK, for the sole benefit of a Bedlington Terrier that's spat his dummy out, any bits you need you can get from Cheviot on the Tyne Tunnel Trading Estate, (0191 257 4444) who will also give you advice on the best setup for your Landy.

Is that good enough, or would you like me to come and show you what a Nammer and spanner is used for?

However, 4 posts in 3 weeks probably means that you are only allowed near civilisation under supervision.

Please be gentle wiv me coz I'm very frail in me old age! ;)

BTW, us is still in the 'Engines' section

Over to you ...
OK, for the sole benefit of a Bedlington Terrier that's spat his dummy out, any bits you need you can get from Cheviot on the Tyne Tunnel Trading Estate, (0191 257 4444) who will also give you advice on the best setup for your Landy.

Is that good enough, or would you like me to come and show you what a Nammer and spanner is used for?

However, 4 posts in 3 weeks probably means that you are only allowed near civilisation under supervision.

Please be gentle wiv me coz I'm very frail in me old age! ;)

BTW, us is still in the 'Engines' section

Over to you ...

Thank you for the number it is appreciated as for the comment about being aloud near civilisation, No it's because I work away and don't always have access to the internet! And no I don't need any help using a spanner I am very capable when it comes to using tools! But once again thanks for the number
I got a couple of numbers for you...

Toy r us 0191 261 5762

Mothercare 01912 147128

Specsavers 01670 733 327

One to buy you a new dummy, one for some new toys for your pram and one for some new glasses:D
I got a couple of numbers for you...

Toy r us 0191 261 5762

Mothercare 01912 147128

Specsavers 01670 733 327

One to buy you a new dummy, one for some new toys for your pram and one for some new glasses:D

Nappy changed and toys back in the pram cheers :D:D
Good lad, did you sort your suspension out I got mine from these guys LAND ROVER RANGE ROVER DEFENDER SERIES DISCOVERY PARTS ACCESSORIES OFF ROAD

I rang them up and talked through whet I wanted, ended up with standard spirings and terrafirma shocks and new turret rings.

After being under my landrover changing the exhaust system and diesel tank, I have found a hole in the rear chassis that I wasn't expecting when I bought it as it was covered in waxoil the hole could of sank the titanic! So had to put the suspension on the back burner for now as I have had to order a new rear cross member and outriggers for the front. So I will get to the suspension eventually haha thanks for the info;)
Mmmm getting the welder out

I wish I could weld, I have received the new crossmember now I have tried to upload a picture of the hole but I don't think it's worked, it's about 5" long and goes right through to the other side. I have had someone offer to weld the rear crossmember and the outriggers for £200 so I will have to get that done so it can go through the MOT, also today I found a hole in the bottom of the Battery bay, That waxoil just seems to hide all the rust not protect from it but the previous owner must have loved the stuff and it's a complete nightmare to get off


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