
New Member

I tried for ages to day to get the cap off to replace the centrifugal filter on my 2004 TD5. Hell, you need fingers like an anteater's tongue!

For the life of me, all I could do was undo the two 10mm bolts holding the cover on, but do you think I could get the cover off?? The back bolt is under the manifold so I needed a flexible elbow joint to get to that, but once was loose, I couldn't lift the cap out. Thereis a h ose going from the back of the turbo (I assume it is) that partially runs across the cap, and that may have been preventing it being lifted.But,hell, no matter what I did, I couldn't get it off. So, not replaced - but I am keen to do so ASAP.

I am seeking wisdom from others who have done this!




There is a small slot under the cover, under where it says "lever", put a flat blade screwdriver in there and gently lever up.
Be very careful when tightening the bolts up. They are easy to strip the thread. If you do you can use a longer bolt to pick up the threads further down the housing or just a through nut and bolt like I've used. Or you could helicoil it.

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