
New Member
Hi guys,

just wondering if anyone had experienced my current problem, and how it was repaired.

A couple of months ago my passenger door stopped locking with the central locking, it would operate all the doors from inside but not lock with the others from outside, i have not managed to look at the problem and since i very rarely use the passenger seat i decided just to keep it locked until i got round to it.

But today it has decided not to lock the drivers door also, but the drivers door wont lock or unlock the other doors from inside.

Has any one any ideas, is it just 2 failed door lock actuators by coincidence, or does this look like a BECm fault, i am ready to go to the dealer to get 2 new door locks at quite an expense, so i dont want to repalce them and find out it is becm.

Thanks again in advance
99.999999999% it will be the door latches/locks. When mine went it was in something like 2 weeks of each other or something, I cant remember now, I did post the original time frame but either way, they both failed within a very short time of the other.

Get two new door latches and you should be sorted.

-Wills :)

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