
New Member
After attemoting to lock my p38 all locks went down except the drivers door? When sitting in the car and i push the drivers lock down and up all seem to work. Just when i use the key fob it dosnt.

It works when i use the key in the lock fine.

Where should i look? what parts do i need to buy and from where? All very confusing, the misses wants hot of it so im trying to keep this 1 quite!!

Kind regards
this is a fairly simple fix, but your drivers door actuator has failed and requires replacing, have had the same problem with both of mine failing on after the other, and i bought the units second hand on ebay for 50 quid each if i remember correctly, with a little bit of time and basic knowledge they are easy to replace, the longest part of the job is getting the old unit out, and the new one in, if you want anymore help when you are doing the job drop me a line
yes colsey , you have right .. that's exactly what happend with my p38 ...
and good luck for micheals
I had the same problem on my classic, which I know is not a p38, but I found that the problem was down to the door trim warping a bit and causing the button to bind. I put some light grease on it and it was fine. I know the doors are not the same but it did give all the same symptoms.

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